Watch the video yourself, it's just 1:30 Now he is suspended for 12 months.

JKM is known for saying controversial stuff and not giving a shit about being politically correct. Usually he talks about immigrants, taxes and welfare - and usually he gets away with it. But God forbid he says something about womyn!


Did he say something which is not true, though?

Women are smaller...

Well, you can't deny that.

women are weaker...

It's obviously true, but you can feel the shitstorm coming

women are less intelligent.



Let's read some comments first, before we talk like men do:

women already have to work twice as hard as men just because they are women, they must be twice as smart as men just because they are women and despite their smaller size I know one or two that could probably give him some trouble

Despite the obvious bullshit about working twice as hard and being twice as smart... you know one or two women that could kick his ass? Great honey! Ever heard of "The exception proves the rule"? I know a 13 old that could beat most grownups - what the hell does it prove? That kids are better at kickboxing then older men?

Make him wear pantihose, heels and a sanitary napkin while he tries to do his manly duties. You have to be pretty strong to endure the interesting things that females must do as part of their gender AND be successful in business, parliament or life in general. He knows NOTHING!

Somehow wearing heels is obligatory now. Isn't it that women wear them to be more attractive or something?

I can't believe what I just heard him said, that is really sexist. Women are not weak, I can assure him of that. They take a lot of crap in a patriarchal society and they keep on moving ahead. His comments were absolutely disgusting. Suspension is simply not good enough he should be fired.

As you can guess, the last comment was written by a man. A fat one, you guessed it too. This is what we became.


Anyways, I wanted to drop my 5 cents about "women are less intelligent" part. As far as I know, he backed it up by a study saying that women on average score lower than man on IQ tests and do worse in maths(I won't cite it, because it is in Polish. Results were similar to this article).

I wouldn't say that IQ or maths tests are the best representation of intelligence though. They simply show that men are better at logical thinking than women. And that's true. But that doesn't mean they are less intelligent beings. We can't beat them at EQ, they can't beat as at IQ. World would be better if each gender would do what it does best, but now we have equality. How the hell can you expect a women to be good at being a man?

Last word: I don't think that women should earn less. I do think that everyone should be paid for the work he does. And truth be told, women on average should earn less this way.