Feminists love to talk about the problems of gender roles. They claim that both male and female gender norms are toxic, and that society would be better without them. Heres a few examples of male gender norms-

  • Men are the providers

  • Men arent supposed to cry or show much emotion, and are heavily judged if they do

  • Men are supposed to be strong leaders

I actually agree with them on this specific issue. In fact, many MGTOW agree with it. Men shouldnt be expected to conform to a specific role. This is part of the MGTOW philosophy. You are living your life for you, not to fulfill some arbitrary mold of what youre "supposed" to be (which is basically a servant, by the way).

Feminists (supposedly) want to get rid of this, right? Great, lets do it. The way we do that is to change the minds of people who support these male expectations. But, when we investigate this matter, we find something very interesting-

Its mostly women, not men, who support this "toxic" idea of what a man is supposed to be.

Who demands that men financially support women? Who harshly judges men for crying? Who breaks up with their significant other if their significant other is emotionally struggling? Who thinks highly of bullies and sees bully victims as a weak beta losers?

"Many women" is the answer to all of these questions.

So why arent feminists criticizing women? Feminist supposedly want these "toxic" male gender norms to be abolished, right? Well, the supporters of these male gender norms are mostly women. So why arent feminists addressing this?

Its because feminism is not about equality. It has become a hateful supremacy movement that looks for excuses to justify its pathetic agenda of female superiority. If it was truly about pursuing equality, it would criticize men and women for their resistance of true gender equality. But it doesnt. Feminists heavily criticizes men for supporting male gender norms, but ignore women who support male gender norms, even despite the fact that women are a majority of the supporters of male gender norms.

Just another example of feminist cognitive dissonance; something very common in their delusional frenzy.