Funny isn't it? For all of your childhood you were taught that by being a good little boy, you will get rewards and so, that was true. But only for a short while that is. You went to school, you treated the teachers and your fellow classmates with respect and- what's this? Oh goody! You were getting stickers for your good behaviour, and they were to be stuck to a frame the wall had right beside your name for all the fellow classmates to see your achievement! "Ha." you thought to yourself "I'm no bad boy! I'm a good boy! At the end of the month, I'll have the most stars!"

And so, you continued your good behaviour in hopes for the star. And the end of the month did come, but then you were in for a shock. You were one of the kids who had the lowest stars! "What?" you thought to yourself. But the confusion only intensified when you find that it was the bad kids that had the most stars! They couldn't have stolen the stars, the frame was low enough for us to take sight but high enough for our small hands to not reach. "Why do the bad kids have the most points?" you thought as you look at the ground.

This was something that I later understood as it continued in Secondary School (UK, Go4School positive points eyyyyy) as well, and I realised the reason why the bad kids would get points on those rare days where they simply were not being bad either cause they didn't feel like it or they, knowing this exploit, wanted to fish more points.

But why not the good kids? Why do the teachers happen to "forget" to rewards the good kids?

Linked with Law 20: Do Not Commit to Anyone (of The 48 Laws of Power). What was the reason? Well, the reason why the bad kids got points easily were that they were not committed to the teachers, the teachers had to prove something to them and encourage their lack of bad behaviour. The good kids? Well, the teachers didn't have to prove anything to them, he already had them wrapped under their fingers.

So how does this link in with adults? Well, the same principle applies, people don't value your good nature if they never saw your bad nature. Why? Because they feel as if you lack the ability to be bad. If you show them you can be bad, then they subtly got the message that when you are good it is because you are choosing to be good and not because you have to be good.

Show others that you are willing to cooperate, but give off this aura that you will fight back if you are not respected. It's very unlikely that you will meet someone you 100% agree with, so don't be afraid of disagreeing with them on certain aspects.

Of course, don't go out of your way of being a pain in the ass, don't hesitate to disagree, upset or anger anyone if you have to. Often times, people will respect you more if you show them you are a man with power and opinions. And those who do not respect you for that, are those you do not want to be with in the first place.