To write about globalism and what it enables for our sexual strategy, is impossible without writing about globalism itself. There is a lot of you (if not majority) who are critical of globalism, be it a deserved or undeserved. Therefore - I have decided to provide a second thread for this - on RPR, it's both more appropriate place to discuss "globalism as ideology" and hopefully it will bring a bit of traffic there too.

This thread is about globalism in the context of sexual market (or vice versa), keep that in mind when writing a reply.


Globalism gave us many things, one of which manifests as a test of the ability to evolve as a person (IOW adapt to environment to maximize your survival, reproduction, your status, financial security AND you outcompeting other men). This is exactly the environment TRP members are "designed" for.


In the past man had to compete within his tribe (perhaps Dunbar's 50 or 150 people, that gives us a guesstimated 25 to 75 other men to compete with, if we exclude children). Maybe he was the top hunter, maybe the most violent or most dangerous male in the tribe so other men submitted. Maybe he was the best leader and made the tribe prosper.

He was chosen by woman as her mate based on alpha characteristics from within 25-75 men in her own tribe.


Today a woman has a choice of basically the entire country or continent (if we allow the extremes of BP cross country LDR and include hottest girls getting free "international life" in exchange for sex or mere orbiting). Your competition dramatically increased, both in quantity and quality (zounds of average chumps from around the world and high SMV alphas from NYC-like places).

All she has to do is get exposed, be fairly pretty (not to mention HB9-10, who get exposure through media) and that's it. You on the other had have to work harder since the competition got harder (and larger in numbers). You have to lift harder, intensify and differentiate your frame, you need more resources, higher status - all this contrasted with still unchanged "has tits and nice face" requirement for a fairly pretty woman to attract a man.

This does work in your favour (both the quantity and quality) in two ways. Firstly, since it's harder to be at the top there is more men below it by definition. There is more AVERAGE men. All you have to do is put more work than AVERAGE man does. And the average is pretty low.

It's much easier to have abundance if you have access to more women (even assuming your entire game is "numbers game"). It's easier to be anonymous in the wider, non-local-tribe community and easier to plate a girl that doesn't fear being judged by her peers (they are not in the small tent-camp where everyone knows everything you do).


Finally, for some men, it's has a massive advantage that could not be realized in non-globalised world. IF we get to peak of what we can be as alpha-males, if we max our SMV, gain high status - we can reverse the odds and become the selectors in much broader spectrum of women to choose from than if we would be confined only to one country or culture (this especially is visible in smaller countries, but the big ones, via emigration can definitely see an influx of hot women flocking to the "high SMV locations" like NYC, LA, Paris, Moscow etc.). Globalism, by allowing you to gain a really_high_level_smv/status gives you access to the hottest women on the planet, and it allows you to do so efficiently (there are few major centers of business/entertainment where people flock to NYC and so on).

Globalism on the m-f level gives men the ability to choose from broader and bigger spectrum of partners (for both LTRing and casual sex).

Globalism is giving you more opportunities IF you act on them and maximize your potential. You can get a lot of super hot girls, have a lot of fulfilling relationships (even without classic marriage, say "thank you sexual revolution"), you can become really high status (there isn't much places on earth where DiCaprio would have to establish his frame/status from zero), you have (in practical terms, since you cannot exceed them all, ever) unending opportunities for making money and leaving an impact on the wide population.


BUT, there is a catch. You have to work harder than you competition, even harder in light that you are now competing with a lot more men than you would if you were bound only to your local community. You want to be a famous musician, actor, business owner, writer - you can be, just outcompete the few hundred million people who want the same thing. It's not a sarcastic statement - it IS doable, people have been doing this, both men and women.


In a sense, TRP's anti-globalism is similar to "anger phase". You have to get over the fact that the world/women "is like it is" and start working on getting your value up to be able to compete with other players. In my opinion - it's simply a leftover of BP mentality manifesting itself as "the good old times were better" - to try to artificially lower the need for competition (thus lowering the quality by not making men pursuing their sexual strategy, which has competition at core).

Globalism makes the sexual market both more accessible at low level (products or partners) and harder to obtain at high level. We, men, have always had to compete for the best parthers (part of our sexual strategy). Why would this change now?. Why would we want it to change considering it's in our genetic makeup? And finally why, given the gist of TRP message - grow, would we want it to become easier (since "easier" would take away the need for being better)?