I am going to start with a hypothetical.

Say you are at a party and got a glass of punch. Then say someone came along and took a shit in your glass of punch. You now have two options:

Option 1 would be to run the glass of punch through a myriad of filtration and treatment systems in order to purify your glass of punch back to normal. This would be expensive, time consuming, and probably not worth it. And even if you went this route, chances are you wouldn't get it back to 100% purity. There would still be traces of shit in the punch, it probably wouldn't taste as good as it did before the shit, and in the back of your mind you would know that there was once shit in there.

Option 2 would simply be to go get a new glass of punch.

Any kind of relationship with a woman - whether you just met her, she is an acquaintance, she is a friend, she is a plate, she is a ONS, she is your LTR - doesn't matter - is like this hypothetical glass of punch. And exhibiting beta behavior around a woman is the equivalent of taking a shit in your punchbowl. Once this happens you are better off cutting ties with her and cultivating new relationships with new women. Because from there on out she will never see you the same, she will never respect you in the way you deserve, and the amount of effort and time to fix it isn't worth it and probably won't work anyway. Once a beta, always a beta in the eyes of a woman.

I am not talking about minor beta actions. It's likely impossible to bat 1.000 with women in terms of always exhibiting alpha red pilled behavior around her. There will be mistakes. But you and I both know what I am talking about here - inexcusable beta behaviors that are too big to be forgotten about or ignored. Behaviors that will be burned into her memory and image of you for the rest of her life.

This really applies to two different types of men I see around here. The first type are men who were in a relationship with a woman before coming here to TRP, exhibited beta behavior, then found TRP and try to apply it to the same relationship going forward. I don't get this at all. You have already poisoned the well and shit in the punch bowl with your beta behavior pre-TRP. There is no going back. No amount of applying TRP is going to change her perception of you. She will never "unsee" the betaness in you and will never respect you. She will never give you the respect you deserve. You are better off cutting ties with her and cultivating new relationships with new women, applying TRP from Day 1. That is when TRP is at its most effective, when its applied from the beginning. Also note I said new relationships with new women. Play the field a bit, spin plates, bang multiple women before getting back into another LTR.

The second type of men are the ones who orbitted a woman, had oneitis for her, was a total beta bitch around her, but she never reciprocated and simply friendzoned him and/or rejected him. Then he finds TRP and thinks if he applies TRP he can win her over with his new alpha self. Doesn't work that way. She will never see you that way - you already ruined it. No matter how big your muscles get, no matter how good looking you get, no matter how stoic and alpha you become, no matter how confident and IDGAF you are - she will never see you as anything but that pathetic beta you once were. If you try to go this path you have oneitis. You have 3.5 billion women out there to use your new TRP knowledge on and you go back to one that you already failed with. Just go find new women to start fresh with. If you improve yourself and apply TRP this woman when she hits the wall and is desperately looking to settle down will have you at the top of her list - don't fall for that trap.

A woman's perception of you is delicate. You have to be on the to of your game and there is little margin for error. If you have shit in the punch bowl with your beta behavior - just do the honorable thing and cut ties. It will save you time and dignity.