Summary: People will give advice based on how they want the world to be like, not how it actually is in reality. Consequently, take all bluepilled advice with a huge grain of salt.

Full thread here.

One social phenomenon I wanted to bring up is the liberal politicization of advice. If you ask for advice (whether it's about dating, work, life, whatever) from feminist types, they'll often try to give you their two cents based upon a rosy view of what they wished the world would be like, instead of accepting that the world is a certain way and telling you to adapt to it.

Case in point, there's a subreddit Male Lib which is basically what happens if you give a man an IV infusion of continuous estrogen. The people on that sub are some of the most feminized, most passive people on the planet. OP found this out the hard way when he posted an advice thread:

So there is this girl that I am very close with and she is perfect. I love every moment I spend with her but I'm too nervous*. I can't make any moves, I can't ask her out, I can't do anything to progress the relationship because I'm too scared. I can't live up to my "duties as a man" of being forward and flirty. I don't know how to and Its killing me.

She also has said she likes kinda manly dudes (which makes me angry but she is pretty good with feminism and menslib) and Im fairly conventially manly, I play sports, I like the outdoors, Im strong enough, I love game of thrones and action movies but I also am not afraid to be honest that I care about someone which for some reason isnt a manly trait. Being Manly is to not care about anything, its being completely unfazed by everyone. Fuck that Im a social creature and if i care about you i'm going to tell you.

The worst part is, even if I can get over this girl. How many other opportunities am I gonna miss because I can't flirt. I want her so much, she just makes me so happy but I don't know what to do. Please help me friends. None of my friends are like me in this regard but I hope some of you may have experienced stuff like this.

So OP admits he is a weakling and the girl he likes has explicitly stated she's into alphas. What does MensLib do? Ignore all this pertinent information, of course, and paint a picture of a world in which everyone plays by the rules and nice guys win in the end.

From a woman's perspective (my perspective) there's nothing inherently non-manly about being social and showing interest in other people. If she says she likes "manly" guys, she probably means that her "type" likes sports or cars or [insert broad stereotype here]. If she was attracted by non-social people, she probably would have said "I like loners." I think your personal definition of masculinity is likely different from hers.

First of all, why the fuck is a woman responding in a male-oriented subreddit. But anyway. No honey, the girl in this story clearly said she's into manly guys. That doesn't mean a dude who likes cars and sports. She means she likes muscular, dominant guys.

Also, what really takes the pressure of your back is to change the premise for talking to a girl. Talk to her because you want to get to know her, not because you want to get your dick wet. This will make you look a lot less creepy and needy, but a lot more attractive instead. And if she rather wants to be a friend, booya, making friends gets only harder the older you are.

This ^ is the saddest thing I've ever read. Basically telling OP to suppress his sexuality completely and present himself as a neutered numale who just wants to "get to know" the girl. And preparing OP for the certain eventual friendzone that will be the result of this.

Men are not stoic emotional statues, nor should they be. And you're not less of a man for experiencing or expressing emotions or attractions. Perhaps you should let go of trying to be some warped idea of what it is to be "manly", and just be the man you are.

Sorry bub, life ain't fair. If you're happy being a hermit and not attracting any women, then yeah you can just B URSELF. But if you want to actually, you know, be desirable to others, you have to at least know what gets them wet. And in most women's cases it's a stoic masculine guy.

Next time you're hanging out, just say "hey look, I've been thinking about you a lot lately, what would you say if I asked you out?" Anything more is putting too much pressure on it. One of three things will happen. Either she says yes, in which case woohoo. Or she says no, in which case you say "that's cool, just wanted to be upfront about it" and you go straight back to whatever you were doing. Or she says she needs to think about it, in which case you do the same as in number 2, but if she hasn't advanced anything after a few days you ask her again and get either a yes or no.

If you have to ask a girl multiple times whether she's into you... not only have you lost the battle from the beginning, you've also lost any semblance of dignity.

Notice how this is standard feminist advice. That's because women (and their slave beta males) don't actually care about making a man successful. They're subconsciously trying to create a bigger pool of neutered weak men to supply them with all the benefits of an orbiter. It's an evolutionary strategy - weed out the weak, and then fuck the strong men who refuse to bow down.

Don't get advice from feminists, folks. It just doesn't end well.