someone posted John Smith's excellent analysis on Feminism and how it has "won" all the battles but has lost the war.

I read his piece and looked him up. Picked up this from the Relampagio Furioso site.

a true hero.

October 17, 2017 11:39 pm📷

As I posted here almost a year ago in response to TNMM’s excellent piece on minimalism (I won comment of the week), I am a minimalist millionaire.

My story begins in November 2011 with the adulterous wife, my arrest on a false DV charge, being blackmailed into pleading guilty to a crime I did not commit by the threat of a rape charge, becoming unemployable, the divorce rape, my failed efforts to get heard in federal court, the ensuing bankruptcy, the nadir of despair with thoughts of suicide, and eventually being saved by Sandman and Life After Women in November of 2014, is the classic MGTOW story. A lot worse than some, but not nearly as bad as others.

Now for the moral of the story. The bitch and legal community screwed me, as the system is designed to do, out of my lifetime of work that I estimate at $250k. Add that to the tax bills due from having to liquidate my IRA early to stay out of prison and the total adds up to $300k. My mother passed in December 2016, leaving me over $1M. If the adulterous bitch would have waited five more years she would have really hit the jackpot.

Now for the sweet part. Since inheriting, I have not spent one penny on a female and never will again. My will leaves everything to a trust that will only benefit my current male relatives and their male progeny. It is legal to discriminate by gender, it is illegal to discriminate by anything in the 14th Amendment.

So, if you do the math, the female collective (in their usual greedy short sightedness) is missing out on $700k of what it could have gotten by being decent human beings. My number denied the collective is probably on the high side. Even reducing it by a factor of ten and multiplying it by the number of men (self-identified MGTOW plus those living the philosophy without having heard the term) is easily in the billions, if not tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions denied the collective.

And this, gentlemen, is the reason the Bitch Army is howling in hatred of us on the one hand and on the other hand coming out as anti-feminist trying to fool us into returning to the plantation. They have been hit where it hurts, in the wallet, and they don’t like it one bit. When consumer spending (85% female influenced) begins to plummet as their credit disappears the Chamber of Commerce will notice, but probably still won’t act. We’ll see.

Follow the money and it will lead you to the truth. Cheers.