"You know what my superpower is? I don’t give a damn, I could care less what they say about me, I could care less. It’s about action.”

This Steve Bannon quote caught my eye.

I read it and immediately felt his frame. The man is literally giving his enemies the secret to his strength yet none can retaliate.

A man's frame is the foundation of his SMV. Yes, good hair, muscles, money and intelligence are helpful. Its also helpful to start on first base with a walk and steal second and third but you could easily be stranded without scoring. In the long run, you need frame to score.

I lift heavy and do yoga on my recovery days. I'm getting a bit grey and need the flexibility and range of motion to stay injury free. The classes are mostly women and feminized men. Yea..they chant, have hipster beards and barettes in their hair. I leave my MAGA hat at home.

Anyways, there is a guy who comes every day. At least 6ft 3. Abs like cobblestone and his arms are guns. Guy has wavy curly hair and I'd put at 33 so max physical SMV zone.

Think the milfs and heel wearing careerwomen like him? Fuck No.


He sashays into class and apologises if late because his dog was cold and he was cuddling the mutt. He loudly protested one of the instructors doing some photo shoot because the sponsors were "Bros"

This guy isn't gay. He hit on my wife her first time there. I watched smirking and it was cringeworthy. He beelines after class and asked her if she was new and begged, yes begged, her to return because yoga makes you feel so gooooooood! He couldn't take a hint that he was making her uncomfortable (debatable if my presence or his supplication caused the discomfort) and kept talking. And talking.

Back to frame.

Your boss should be afraid you may quit. Your woman should fear being replaced. Your kids (or nephews, nieces, young cousins whatever) should adore you because you make them feel safe and strong. It's the strength and power you radiate that draws people in like moths to flame.

If the above doesnt describe you then you have more work to do.