Confidence is the belief in yourself, but I want you to fully understand what it means so I want to make it visual for you.

When you walk around, your sullen or happy mood is seen through micro expression muscle movements in your face and in your body. Keep this picture in mind.

Why is this important?

What you believe is reflected in your face and how you carry yourself.

Your face LITERALLY looks awkward when you're feeling awkward. Your face LITERALLY looks confident when you're confident. Your face LITERALLY looks cocky when you're being cocky. No matter how hard you try..

You can't hide it.

The fact that you can't hide it shows that you can't fake confidence. People can see it. When people catch you feeling insecure about a comment that wasn't meant to be taken personal, boom you fail. Too emotional toward something, boom you fail. People see you as a liar, pretending to be someone you're not. Take a second to take that in.

This is why you need to genuinely know you are a high valued guy. In order for you to feel that way you actually need to build your self esteem and believe fully that you really are Chad. Because the moment you don't feel like you are Chad everyone around you can see it, there's no hiding it. It takes one test to see through your bullshit. So instead of trying to trick people into thinking you are Chad, just become that Chad.

How do you build this belief? Can anyone do it? Yes.

Be honest with yourself and pay attention to what your insecurities are and work on them.

Afraid of rejection? Take more rejection so you aren't afraid of it.

Look fat? Workout, eat right, lift, lose the man handles.

Don't know what to say? Make yourself laugh, just talk. Learn to be comfortable

Don't get respected? Don't take shit from people.

By the time you lose your insecurities, you'll know who you are and having that REAL frame is better than putting up a fake frame, a front that's not who you are. It'll sure feel better and come easier too.

That's why people say be yourself. It means don't try to bullshit, I see it in your face if you're not who you pretend to be. If you see flaws in yourself and you choose not to do anything about it, now that's unattractive and you only have yourself to blame for feeling bad about yourself.

Last note. Keep in mind that people can see through all your bullshit. Don't fake it till you make it.

If you want to hold yourself accountable, post an insecurity you're working on down in the comments. You aren't alone.