A common theme I see echoed here is that looks aren’t important. It’s a blue pill coping mechanism designed to deflect the reason why women are rejecting you. It couldn’t possibly be due to my looks! I just don’t have enough money or status!

Well, wrong.


Your physical attractiveness plays the most important role when attracting women. Attractive people will earn more money, have more opportunities given to them, and be assumed to be better people. This phenomenon is called the halo effect. Women are visual creatures. Facial aesthetics, height, V tapor and posture will beat out the money or status of an unattractive male almost every time. Money and status are nice things to have, and you should strive towards them. However, if a 5’5” millionaire was put next to a 6’3” jacked surfer bro, guess who women will want to sleep with? They want the best genetics possible, and your money and status can’t fuck them.

A lot of men here will choose to reject this, because unless you’re in the top 20% of looks for men, it’s highly unlikely you physically attract a lot of women. It’s a painful truth, but it’s also reality. That’s what we all came here for.


Your looks matter, and they always will. Money and status are things you should be doing for yourself, not women. Also, most of the stories/field reports on here of 5’4” manlets smashing hb9-10’s are fake. So don’t refer to those as your truth looks don’t matter.