Here's a compilation of the four basic traits of every natural. I hope they'll be of use to you.

  1. Silence~ Instead of speaking so much, making jokes, telling your life story, just sit back and listen to others. Pay attention, be aware of what's going on. This conveys mystery and strength.

  2. Eye Contact~ This also conveys strength of character and confidence, don't look down or off into space when speaking or being spoken to, look them dead in the eyes like your looking at their hidden motives, judging their character.

  3. Relentlessness~ The good things of this world are given to those who can handle them. You're gonna be tested, mocked, slapped, and told many lies, don't let this deter you. Know what you want and pursue it relentlessly in spite of the obstacles that face you.

  4. Calmness~ The ability to remain calm in any situation conveys strength, stability, confidence, and freedom. It's a must have trait not only on the dating scene, but for life in general. You want to have the ability to take a breath & think rationally about your situation before you make a decision. Don't let your fear get the best of you, it's never as bad as your mind makes it out to be.