Google proudly flashed their "Ten Panels of Proud Women" on my screen, and curiosity forced me to click play. (Go onto google's front page to see what I'm talking about.)

I love women, now lets see what kind of women want Google wants me to love, respect, admire, and celebrate. ^(^Lets ^see ^what ^kind ^of ^narratives ^google ^wants ^me ^to ^accept.)

This post is broken into two sections: Addressing the Google video, and analyzing the google doodle comics.

Searching For Gender Equality - The Youtube Video

Italics = Google

Bold = my response

  • The world is searching for Gender Equality.

Yeah, so we're already off to a bad start here. Google (and society) frames the narrative so that the viewer believes the sexes are not equal. That's true, in itself, but what day did they decide to publish this video? The medium is in the message, and the subtext says that women have it harder than men. One example google used in the video is that they want you to think that Women have a harder time making money. ^Muh ^70 ^cents ^on ^the ^dollar

What the framers of the narrative don't want you to realize, is that the "wage gap" is formed by calculating the medians of all occupations. That means a male lawyers income is compared to a female cashier's income. Of course there would be a fucking gap. Women earn the exact same amount as their male counter parts if they work the same jobs.

And just an honest question, what right does a male have, that a female doesn't, in western society? The sexes are equal in the west, in terms of opportunity. However, in terms of execution and success, males are the ones who make the cut.

  • The world is questioning the numbers.

Yep, the world is questioning the numbers, then we get a nice flash of a googler searching terms like "how many CEOs are female, how many Navy Seals are female, how many Cops are female, how many lawyers are female... Apparently women cannot get the job they want by simply being qualified. Supposedly, women can't start their own businesses, or can't rise through the ranks in the corporate world as easily as they can in the movie realm. They don't question the reasons behind the numbers, they question only the number itself. "HURR 23 of 500 forbes CEO's are women, deres INEQUALITY WHY HUH??! ARE MISOGYNISTIC MEN STOPPING WOMEN FROM BEING STRONG AND INDEPENDENT?!?"

  • How many of the top 1% are females?

This question poses a couple things to think about, like, I imagine it would be 45/55 split, considering the majority of male "elites" are married, or have a daughter. Is this really questioning how many females have the same power as their elite male counter part, cus if that's the case, it just shows how women are incapable of working their way into a position of power themselves, and rely on catching a high value male.

**How is it possible that when given absolute freedom, women still have a hard time achieving what men have achieved? Maybe it's what nature has made law - the fact that women, are simply, inferior, in comparison.

  • Is equal rights possible?

Of course, all we gotta do is give women equal rights... and lefts. In all seriousness, no, of course equal rights on possible you silly goose, because equality for a women means the best of both worlds. She wants the power of a man, and the protection a woman gets. She will get all up in your face, then cry in hopes of having the crowd tear you up for her.

  • Why gender equality is good for everyone

Man this clip was hilarious - we are greeted with an all women platoon of soldiers marching in the woods - is the subtext telling me that gender equality is good because now, women have the same opportunity to die for their corporate overlords country's freedom? Something else to consider: supposedly it would be good for everyone if we had all female platoons, or female navy seals, etc. How in the fuck would that be good if women cant even meet the same standards? Female seals drop out. Female green berets drop out. The military had to lower the standards of infantry physical fitness just to accommodate women. How can a soldier trust the woman by his side, who cannot carry him out of a battle field? Who cannot hold as much gear? Real life is not like the fucking movies, where the female heroine saves the squad of male imbeciles. Weaker soldiers means people will die. But it's all in the name of gender equality.

Well, what's the subtext behind that? To give women equal opportunity to succeed in the military, we have to lower the standards? In other words, for a women to have the same chance as a Man, we have to make it easier for the woman. This question should have been "why gender equality is good for women."

  • When will gender equality happen?

As soon as revoke that last pussy pass.

The clip shown for this question is a row of buildings all being colored pink. The subliminal message: Gender equality will happen when women are in the forefront of power.

  • How to achieve gender equality

Women seem to be doing pretty good in western society. How about these feminists go over to dubai and try to liberate those women who cant even legally drive.

This question is loaded. Achieving gender equality in the west = fucking over men.

  • How to raise a feminist daughter?

First you gotta make sure your husband isnt the man who fathered your daughter. Then you must divorce said man and make him pay for your girls nights out daughters raising costs. Then she will follow in your foot-steps and you'll have a bonafied cock carousel riding feminist!

  • How to raise a feminist son?

Oh my God, let me catch MY son telling me he's a male feminist. Woops... just sit him in front of a montage of holly-wood boy meets girl films, he'll pick up on the beta mannerisms, and without your guidance or presence in his life, you will reinforce his lack of a backbone. Finally, make sure to teach him the numale grimace from a young age. Don't forget to remind him that all women are mother earth goddesses, meant to be worshiped, served, and respected, including your former-center-piece-of-a-college-frat-house-bukakke of a wife. Have your son observe and take note of how your wife runs the show. Let him learn of what a sexual relationship really is, as you grovel and do your chores for your monthly dose of duty sex. Show him how to treat a lady, by being her ATM, her chore-boy, and her willing cuckold. Remind your son it's okay if tyrone comes over since you're not able to meet your wive's sexual needs, while in the same sentence scolding him for finding women attractive, because girls aren't sexual creatures! Non-prescriptive glasses recommended.

It's pretty easy to raise a feminist son, TLDR - confuse him, and fill him full of lies.

  • How to celebrate international women's day?

I'll get back to this one at the end.

  • How to stop sexist ads?

The stupidity is mesmorizing. But maybe confusion is the goal : "Celebrate women's sexuality - but don't find women attractive!" The feminist son would be able to hamster up an explanation for that line, I'm sure. But I'm willing to bet he won't know what to say when I tell him that women sell themselves by the droves. They whore themselves out to foreign men under the guise of being "entrepreneurs" or "freelance agents," they post thousands of ass-on-bathroom-counter selfies in hopes of being picked up by a modeling agency. They drive themselves to the casting couch.

It's like they don't sit there and realize women are already given freedom, and with that freedom, they STILL choose to relegate themselves to pieces of meat, meant only for the sexual and visual enjoyment of MEN. No one puts a gun behind the head of a pornstar and forces her to suck cock. No one forces models to post another ass selfie, or strut their stuff on camera for a make up commercial. They do that of their own free will. But heaven forbid a woman take responsibility for their own choices...

Side note : I've never seen an attractive women advocating the banning of porn, or sexual female modeling. Probably because the hot ones are spending all their time posing in photoshoots.

  • What is metoo?

The result of women losing their best source of power : their looks. These lazy chicks need a way to make money, and if they cant shake that ass and slob on knobs, best believe they're gonna cry and play the victim. Never mind the fact these women willing sucked cock to climb the ladder of their choice, never mind the regret turning into rape claims, never mind all the men that have been and will continue getting fucked over. Just focus on what a women says, because their word is gospel.

  • Time's up. The future is female.

I don't even know what to fucking say. This is something a rouge feminine AI would utter in a Space Sci-Fi before eliminating all the male inhabitants of a space colony.

Edit: The future is uncertain.

  • Lead Like a girl.

Kinda bad advice, considering there are only 23 out of 500 female leaders of business. They don't even realize how they're being sexist here, but when have these people ever realized their own hypocrisies?

Anyone who has left their house in the last ten years knows that...

  • Girl power!

You go girl! Shots shots shots! Suck that cock girl! Bang that tattooed drug dealer! Flash your titties at that rave!You a strong independent women who don't need no man! Until you're 35...

  • Be a warrior.

Isn't it ironic that society wants me to celebrate women by cheering on their masculinity?

Google Doodle 2018 - Female Power Comics

These comics are meant to help me understand and celebrate feminine superiority power, so lets take a look at what we're going to be brainwashed with learn.

  • Inwards - By Tuna Dunn

First of all, that name has to be a joke. Her name is something a woman should be regularly informing her husband of.

First panel is a group of power girls hugging each other in a loving circle. Direct contradiction to the reality of female disposition to other females - to hurt, betray, spread drama and slander of... pretty much everything besides supporting each other, unless it comes to matters of degeneracy. "Oh girl, you go get that gangbang! Fuck your boyfriend... but don't you try and lose weight and become prettier than me!"

It progresses to another group of girls hugging a girl in pink, and the girl in pink meeting herself, and hugging herself.

I actually like the ending message of this comic, maybe if women looked inwards and fell in love with themselves, they wouldn't feel the need to ruin themselves on the cock carousel and try to ruin the fun for everyone else.

  • Ntsoaki's Victory - By Karabo poppy

"There was a girl named Ntsoaki. She was destined to live counter-culturally."

Aaaaannnd, I'm now certain I'm reading propaganda. This sounds like a story that a soviet news program would play during the cold-war.

In the next panel, a group of young men are getting ready to go hunt for lions as their masculine rite of passage. She decides she wants to join them, and by some miracle, the tribal elder allows it.

In the next panels, the girl uses magic girl dances and dies a violent and gory death after being devoured by the lion the lion submits to her feminine superiority. (Yes she literally african-folk danced a lion into submission.)

The final panel ends with a zebra saying, "I hear that the lionesses do the hunting now." It's true, and funny as fuck. Lionesses serve their kingly lions, by waiting on them and bringing them food and pussy as tribute, and in exchange for protection. It's good to be king...

  • My Aunt Blossoms - By Esteli Meza

This one is a subliminal message, guaranteed. It starts with a young and beautiful woman with a full head of thick luscious hair. Then she gets cancer. So she loses all her hair and goes bald and is all depressed.

But then she recovers, gets her hair back and becomes beautiful again (not really).

I wanted to like this one, but in the final panel I see a man. Think about it, the artist chose all of what went into this comic and google approved it - the women shaves her hair off, grows it back in the style of a man, and is now "blossoming beautifully" according to the comic. This is subliminally celebrating a sex-transition. It's normalizing it.

  • Homeland - By Saffa Khan

The title card is a decapitated Muslim women. That's all I have to say about that. ^^^women ^^^secretly ^^^crave ^^^domination ^^^and ^^^to ^^^be ^^^put ^^^back ^^^into ^^^their ^^^place, ^^^thats ^^^why ^^^liberal ^^^women ^^^are ^^^fanatical ^^^about ^^^supporting ^^^islam ^^^and ^^^importing ^^^violent ^^^muslims

  • Minutes - By Tillie Walden

Starts off by introducing us to the trans-male main character, talking about how he/she (can focus on time.)

The next panel shows us how before she transitioned to male, she had a lesbian lover. Only two pages into this google comic and we already have transexuality and homo-erotica being normalized.

  • Ages and Stages - By Chihiro Takeuchi

First panel is your typical "one person stands out from the bleak, cookie cutter crowd" image. I like to frame it in another way, perhaps this is simply showing me the ages and stages of one dime a dozen female product of modern society. Lets take a look at her life in the next stage.

Looks like she has a lesbian relationship at about 13 years old, then meets her husband at 20. They get married, have a kid, and the husband vanishes from the rest of the comic. I wonder why... Miraculously, the chick still keeps having kids. Promoting single mother hood? Promoting multiple fathers? This aint promoting family values people, theres enough space to keep the dads in this comic. His removal was intentional.

  • Aarthi The Amazing - By Isuri

Super heroine single mom providing for two children, by hunting, working, and cleaning, all on her own.

Yeah fucking right.

  • The Box - By Francesca Sanna

Women talking about how she is paralyzed in a box of paranoia, depression, and fear. Google expects me to celebrate this. Ends with a bunch of women hugging inside of a box. I suppose that's because they cant think outside of it.

  • Love - By Laerte

Man and woman meet at a library.

Man and woman hit it off.

Man and woman become attracted to each other.

Man and woman go on a date.

Woman drops her drivers license.

Man picks it up.

Woman is actually a man.

Real-man is rightfully pissed off at tranny-boy and walks away.

Tranny-boy calls back real-man and flashes its chest, revealing a heart. "I'm a freak of nature but I deserve love too!"

Real-man becomes a soy-boy and decides to flash his chest too. "Fuck it, this might be my only shot at feeling the inside of a hole."

Soy-boy and tranny-boy live happily ever after, sucking eachothers cocks.

What the actual fuck did I just read? Remind me again how this is celebrating women again? This comic reads like a shit post off'a 4chan /b/.

  • Nov 1989 - By Anna Haifisch

This one is obvious frame shifting. It takes place right around the time the Berlin wall was coming down. The artist frames it so that it seems like it was the "protesters" who brought down the wall and brought freedom, change, and choice. This is to try and connect the berlin protesters to the antifa / women's superiority / feminist protesters who all want a female-dominated communist utopia.

Yea, just forget the fact that communism was rejected in favor of democracy and capitalism, just shut up and accept the reframe.

  • Trust - By Phillipa Rice

A woman doesn't know how to be a mother and fails at raising her kid. Has to employ her circle of female friends as surrogate mothers. Kinda reminds me of the early days, where children were raised by the tribe / community rather than the individual.

Looks like that's what they want us to go back to, considering they want everyone to adhere to feminist ideals.

None of these fucking comics had anything to do with women's power, or celebrating women, or appreciating femininity.

This is all liberal propaganda.

Is this real life? Some "celebration."

Well, here's to you, feminist overlords! I'll gladly celebrate international woman's day, and embrace all women have to offer by baking a cake.

My oppressive white cum will be the sugar, and my favorite plate's face will be the canvas to decorate! I'll even make sure she says "happy international women's day" before she swallows.

If you really wanna celebrate women internationally, give the ones in your life what they really want, desire, and deserve.

Lead her. Be her captain. Be her man. Don't take her too seriously, and don't let your life revolve around her. Reward her when she's a sweet little feminine kitty cat, and punish her when she acts like a brooding hag.

Women don't want to be the captain. They don't want the power, no matter how desperately the ones pulling the strings want everyone to believe. Relieve her stress and her pressure, celebrate her by being her masculine man, and help her rediscover her submissive femininity with a good, holiday fucking.

And for God's sake, don't settle for a tranny.

Edit: I clicked on the search button. Big mistake. It's one female shit show after another making news headlines.

Don't even get me started on the "feminist" strike these bitches are doing in Europe to "celebrate" international women's day. Only in modern western society are women celebrated for being lazy and unreliable...