PREFACE: This requires you to somewhat know the girl first, be on a flirtatious basis with them, and be somewhat charming. When I refer to 'snap', I mean a snapchat and you can interchange that with whichever platform you exchange pics on.

TEXT: We've all gotten some of those snapchats. Whether it's late at night, or mid day, women will snap themselves in 10-20% risque posts (simple body shots, some clevage, or "laying in bed"). Nothing crazy, and don't feel special, she doesn't just send these generic pics to you. The caption will be something like "new work dress!" or "long workout!" or "chillin in my pjs! #socool". Stupid shit like that.

Now, you can reply 1 of 3 ways (assuming you intend to get nudes).First way, the absolute most pussy way possible, you actually snap back talking about whatever shit she snapped about. Newsflash, 80% of other guys replied this way to that same snap, and that's not the reply she was looking for. If you do this, you're never getting in her pants. If you have done this, you will never get a nude from this woman.

Second way to reply, is basically the complete opposite of the first way. 15% of the guys she sent the pic to will reply this way. It will also not get you any nudes or get you laid unless you're already banging this chick, and in that case why the fuck are you reading this. The second way is to completely overdo it. You'll snap back in a pose that she can tell you spent 5 minutes perfecting, and say some cheesy ass shit like "those pjs look good on you ;)" or "that is beautiful ass". There is a built in option to take this a step even further and say something stupid like "I can see you've been working out ;) that the nicest ass I've ever seen". This isn't as bad as option 2, and if the girl was already fawning over you then it may work, but it wont typically work because you are being too overt with your attraction, and that will kill her attraction. To get nudes you have to be sexual, yet show restraint and show that you aren't desperate. This option nails the sexual part but fails on the other 2. You have a greater chance of recovering if you do this than with option 1, but generally once you are painted as a weirdo by a woman, it's far more effort than it's worth to reverse that.

(P.S. When I give examples of things that a guy or a girl might say in these examples, it's my expectation that you are socially conscious enough to figure out the general gist of those examples and be able to apply that to other real life scenarios).

Third way to reply, and the way that has brought me the most success, the blunt dont give a shit way. 0-5% of guys will reply this way, and they are smart. Honestly, if 2 guys reply to her this way at the same time, she's likely even sending the same nudes to both. This has worked more often than it hasn't for me (and will for you as long as you are aware of the attraction relationship between you and this girl), and is simple. When you get one of the snaps from those girls, wait a couple minutes (not too long), you take a quick pic of your face if you're feeling good about it, or if not just of your surroundings (cause fuck it you don't care), and say something like "take them off", "why you wearing a shirt?", or "show me some skin". If you're a real pro and have set a true attraction precedent beforehand, as stupid as it sounds, "send nudes" can work (but you've gotta be real situationally aware and perceptive for this one, cause it can backfire).

If you pull this off, more often than not, this will lead to her sending gradually more risque snaps or even just doing it outright. If she teases a bit longer, you gotta keep it up. Can't seem desperate, that is exactly when you will fail. If she then send a pic with her covers off and she's in her pajama bra, then you reply "that's not enough". By the time you've got her sending a second pic, you WILL get nudes if you play it right.

CONCLUSION: If you get a snap from a girl that is even 10% risque, just know that SHE knows that it's risque and when she's scrolling down her contact list picking who to send it to, she picked YOU for a reason (among many other guys). Play your cards right, and you can score some nudes, which may end up getting you laid (which is an entirely different topic that you could write a PhD thesis about)

tl;dr if you get a risque snap, she knows it's risque and she sent it to you on purpose.