This thread is a goldmine and life fuel for anyone that has any second thoughts or doubt about how to live your life.

If you ever have to abandon the life of the plow horse, take inspiration from these dirty old men that made up for lost time. Enjoy!

Some themes.

All the women are "low quality trash." Lot's of these guys aren't successful, aren't impeccable, more or less, these are u/VasiliyZaitzev's brothers in arms. Just like you'll "never find another girl like her" or you'll "die alone" or anything else, use this thread to see what it's really like when you let the blue pill dream die and live for yourself.

The story is simply that my father is an irresponsible creep. It was just the two of us when I was growing up, but he made it clear he was resentful having to take care of me. He's in his 60s. I'm 34, my older half sister turns 40 in a few days. My youngest half brother just turned 2. I'm sure I have siblings I don't even know about. His current wife is maybe 30 and by far the oldest woman he's ever been with. He cheated on his last wife with her. His last wife was 19 when they met (I was 17). But that was better than his previous girlfriend before that, who was a few months younger than me, and I was 17. I always make sure that his baby mamma's know that I'll always be there for them and their kids when he leaves, because he's GOING to leave. It's interesting watching how surprised they are when he does.

What a creep! Seriously ;)

I found out my dad died because he stroked out while in a motel with someone younger than me. This was (to our knowledge) the third time he'd cheated in a long term relationship, and he was already married to someone 20 years younger than him. None of this really affected me because I knew he was a piece of shit for years so I guess it's not really a great answer to this thread but it's still kind of amazing.

A real piece of shit.

Not younger than me, but around the same age. I am (almost) 20 and my dad recently married a 23 year old (my dad is 43). Now, that doesn’t seem so bad, but my dad is a high school teacher and she was his student for four years. I was very close friends with my dad’s now-wife in high school, to the point where she would sleep over at my house. My dad was always a little too close to her and when my mum and dad divorced during my sophomore year my dad began an official relationship with her. It happened so quickly that my mum and I were sure that they had something going on before the divorce and while she was still underage/my dad’s student. But we had no proof and she had recently graduated, so there was nothing we could do. Of course, word got out about it at my school and it was all anyone would talk about. People would call my dad a pedophile and there were all sorts of rumors going around. It was pretty rough. When all of this went down, I didn’t talk to my dad or my ex-friend for about a year and I still have a very damaged relationship with both of them. Now they’ve been married for almost a year and have a baby on the way.


My dad is 71. 6 months ago he left my mom for a 25 year old. I’m 33 and my sister is 28. His new girlfriend is 6 months pregnant. They’re not married because my parents divorce hasn’t gone through yet

This guy must be rich!

Nah, he’s a broke retired school teacher who works part time in retirement. The girl is just your typical damaged southern trailer trash. She already has one kid, and got arrested for giving her infant beer at a concert... it’s as white trash as it gets. They live together at her grandma’s house.


my dad is 65 and he's in a relationship with someone who's 26 (so 8 years younger than me). They've been together for 3-3,5 years and are happy together, and I'm happy for them. At first it was a bit awkward for me, up to the point that it took me a half year before I decided to meet them together (at first I just met with my dad alone every week). I was mainly worried about my dad (still am, a bit), he came out of a long relationship that went really bad (got cheated on after 8-9 years) and he had a really rough time with it. So I was scared he would end up in the same depression if this one went bad as well (not because of cheating, but the age difference eventually could catch up to them, as an issue). I've spoken openly about my worries with my dad, a few times, along the last 3 years, and it will take time for them to actually go away... There's a 38 year age gap and my dad, at some point, will get health issues because of age and I'm cautious of what will happen.

FYI your dad doesn't give a flying fuck. He's having the time of his god damn life.

Dad is a serial monogamer? He has been married 4 times. This last wife is 5 yrs younger than me. She is 25. My dad is 52. She gave birth to my brother last year which resulted in an interesting conversation with my kids. Me showing my 6 and 5 yr olds a picture of their new uncle. Me: look guys this is your new uncle isnt he cute? Kids: thats not an uncle THATS A BABY! (caps are accurate) Smh She is young as hell and acts like it and my dad is hella gross for dating a girl younger than his daughter. But its his life. It makes for weird genealogy talks with others but thats all.

Hella gross!

She's not my stepmom because my dad has no interest in being married again. But my dad's long term girlfriend is 26. He's 67 and I'm 30. They met at grown folks night at a local night club. The funny thing is she had a crush on me when I was in high school and she was in middle school. I turned her down of course for being too young. She wasn't too young for him now though. I have no problem at all with it actually. She works full time and is also** getting her Masters**. My dad helps her like any other boyfriend would financially, but he isn't spoiling her with money like a sugar daddy. From what I can see, she actually likes his old ass for some reason and isn't using him.

Oh man. He couldn't even find a way to slander his red pilled dad. Guy must be bulletproof!

My dad is married to a 25 yr old waitress. I am 26. When I was 18/19. Me and my family used to go to the place she waited at and every time I would silently pray we were going to seated in her section (because I had a huge crush.) My dad would always be a dad and drop some dad jokes, waitress style. I always thought she was laughing at these jokes to be polite, turns out she thought they were genuinely funny. They got together 5 yrs ago. He still goes to the same place to eat, and she’s still his waitress... the jokes are worse now though. Edit: Yes my mom was a part of the the family that went. My parents marriage was already falling to pieces, they split soon after I turned 18, but tried a few times to work things out.

You snooze you lose son!

I’m 35 and my dad’s wife is 25. I now have a little sister that is 6.5 years younger than my son (he is 10). I always considered my dad an “old” dad when I was younger, always much older than my peers’ fathers anyways, but now he is in his 70’s and constantly tired from toddler antics. Honestly, I love his new wife.

A wholesome ending here folks. Don't be fooled. You can be dickin' down girls in their 20s while you're 70. Just have the balls to live your life on your terms.

Dad married a woman 30 years younger than him. She was barely 2 years older than my big sister. He had younger girlfriends ever since his divorce, so I never really thought it out of the ordinary.

These guys get it. I've only scratched surface of the stories in that thread.
