Foreword : Before I jump to the body of this essay, let's talk a little about the term Frame. A rough definition of the term suggests an analogy to a state of mind & body. This state has to be the absolute best you can offer. Sure, you might have success with girls in the beginning when you learn about game but it gets tougher as you progress ahead in the sexual market. What I mean is, as you start working on your frame, the goals obviously change. A man newly introduced to TRP might at first learn a lot about the psychological aspects of game by reading the sidebar & a plethora of well written articles available on both this subreddit and The Rational Male blog. Is it sufficient, though? That's the obvious fucking question here and has a quite obvious answer in the two letter word 'No'. So, I'll try my best to take you through my journey, from a stuck in my time boy to a highly functioning man still on a journey to achieve my goals.

         It was an year ago, I was looking for some decent documentaries to watch when I stumbled across a great documentary called "The Red Pill" by Cassie Jaye which solely focused on Men's Rights/Activism which led me to google the title and add 'reddit' in the end, looking for a community related to MRAs.   Anyways, at first glance, I couldn't understand few of the sentences as they contained terms like "*AWALT, MGTOW, Oneitis, Alpha, Beta*" and the list goes on. This got me curious and I read more and more about it. My blue pilled mind was unable to agree with a lot of points made here. I, like a lot of us truly believed in the power of  *'good'*, I believed that my feelings for the girl were sufficient to make her want to have sex with me, because she always said how ***nice*** I was.  *I was shocked*. I was shocked beyond my imagination when my *oneitis* started fucking the same guy she bitched about to me, a lot. She hung out with the same guys she said have *feelings* for her. She started ignoring me. I was furious. I was ashamed that I let another person treat me like shit when all I ever did was truly truly care for her and support all her bullshit endeavours. And this wasn't the first time either.    Before we move on, let me give you a brief, to the point list of the qualities I believe I posessed even before I discovered the of TRP:  (i) Appearance: 5'11, brown, athletic body, lean muscles.  (ii) Academics: Average in school, late bloomer, good at technical stuff(engineering), work well under pressure. (iii) Family background: Father worked relentlessly, a housewife mother.  (iv) Social: Was socially awkward till like 8th grade, luckily made some really amazing friends after and had a lot of memorable experiences. Generally had a good amount of interaction with girls and guys alike. (v) Hobbies: Always liked to do nerdy stuff like create mini websites of my own, play a lot of sports, all kinds. Know how to play a couple of musical instruments.  (vi) Was in a oneitis with 2 successive girls. Pretty much the same experience both times.    Anyways, moving on.  Because of being a socially awkward kid till grade 8 and later spending the rest of the 4 years of my school life literally just playing soccer , studying and having fun with friends and one bad experience(my first of the two oneitis), I never could gauge how attractive I must be to girls. Due to some silly racism way back in standard 6, I thought no girl will like me. This was ingrained because my society encourages fair skin. It's shitty, I know. But hold on.    *Skip to uni*: I'm currently starting the final year of my undergrad. I have been constantly training for the past 6 months in order to see myself a little suited to write this. Anyways, let's go back to the first year. I don't know whether it's true or the girls just said it after I improved my SMV, but apparently, a couple of girls wanted to fuck me in the first year itself. I couldn't believe what I heard. One of them directly confessed to me that she was *dropping hints* but I never picked them which might be due to the fact that I was also a townie, studying at a college very rich demographically.   Now, let me be clear, I ain't no Casanova and I still have a lot to learn, but after reading the sidebar, working on my communication skills, I would say I can game a bitch quite easily. 4 months ago, I was a 5, now, after only gaining 7kgs, working out, lifting, I have escalated up the sexual market. I fucked a chick who is really classy(on the outside), famous college chick who I wanted to fuck ever since I layed my eyes on her. She can easily seduce anybody. I never thought this would be possible. She was one horny chick. How did I do this ? It was only months ago I was a virgin and now I have fucked 4 women, two of them can easily be considered out of my *league*. Was it because I gained? Was it my muscles?   To a large extent yes, looks obviously matter and one should work out/lift no matter what. I used to be thin before working out. It's not something one should do to just make women cream for them. It's a self-investment. You invest your time, energy, your core strength in training yourself for the worst case scenarios. Being strong physiycally is an asset and one should do all they can to be in shape. It helps later in your life too. Avoid the mistakes I did like smoking, drugs etc. Many of us like the idea of drugs and don't get me wrong, they're fucking awesome. The one real downside to drugs, though, is addiction. This shit catches on fast and can and/or will cripple your lifestyle, limit your propects and horizons.   Moving on to the first woman I had sex with. After my second oneitis, I was in shambles. Heart broken, furious. I was doing shit academically, low GPA, losing weight because of shitty lifestyle mainly due to drugs. Was always broke, in debt. Something had to give in, it was either me or this lifestyle.   I'm more than just proud to say that I could overcome my old lifestyle. It's nothing short of a miracle to me. I was depressed. How did I do it? By hitting the gym. This was my *purpose*. To get fit. I couldn't lift or do push ups when I started. I made a plan, stuck to it. Did upper body exercises 3 days a week and the other 3, I did lower body. Quit smoking, completely. Stopped drugs. Started eating a lot. Took medicines on time. Ate a lot of protein. 1 month into it, I am able to do everything I couldn't do a month ago. I guess you could say, I completed the beginner level. I was in shape now. I have an average face but still eye-fucked with a couple of gym babes. I started a no fap regime, which was ended when I fucked the gym babe who wore the **Opeth** t-shirt. I gamed her quite well, at least did enough to make her fuck me. I read a lot of posts on TRP which encouraged the cold approach and I did it. It worked out. I was feeling so lucky. It was a major confidence boost. I got laid on my first ever date in college life. She wasn't in my college, some local girl. Man, was I feeling great! Only one month into gym and I started feeling great about myself. See, the point I'm trying to make here is, in order to feel good about yourself you need to pick a hobby or sorts at which you can keep working and excel. For example, in my case, it was working out. I was seeing me gain confidence about myself just a week into the program because it gave me a certain sense of achievement. This encouraged me to do more things, like I started to work on my GPA. It's still shite but improved drastically. I could use this escalation in GPA as an indicator of my willingness to dedicate myself to tasks while applying to business schools and in job interviews.   ***The butterfly effect analogy***  The littlest change on your part can spark a reaction on a larger scale which can improve your chances of success drastically. Trust me. You won't be sheltered from failure if you work out, you'll just be better prepared. If I was just a bulky guy with no personality, do you think I could fuck a classy chick?   The little positive changes you bring prove to be immense in the long run because motivation  is an abstract concept. It never lasts and you can't fucking measure how much motivation you got left in you. Your brain tells you to do all the useless shit like drugs, watch netflix, wank etc. It would never motivate you on its own to get up and do shit. You see guys like me, or you, we're not *gifted* individuals. I always thought I was gifted because my mum told me so, I was wrong. We are not and I realized the sooner I accept this fact, get over myself, the better it would be for me to achieve things. I never started gym as a motivation for having sex with hot girls. I started it to beat addiction. Not only it helped me beat addiction, it also helped me gain back my self esteem. It also triggered a lot of positive changes in me. My friends say I have become a "positive" person. I talk a lot too, but earlier it was only bullshit because my sedated mind couldn't function properly. Now I talk about topics ranging from politics to sports. This has helped me expand my social circle. I started to code and I found I actually enjoyed it because it's so logical. I am doing things, thinking, writing, approaching girls, getting rejected, but I am there. I am actively trying to do everything I could do for myself, nobdy else.   Sex isn't the end game, it's just a part of your TRP journey: The most important thing to consider is that how successful your'e at getting red pilled shouldn't only be measured on how you're doing with girls, it's about improving yourself, being narcissistic sometimes. Keep to yourself. Work on something. Learn about history, how the world has worked over time. These are all real insights into human condition over time.    If I had to rate how far along in this journey I have come then I would be gracious to myself and give me a high score of 10%. I have just achieved the basic goals. I have a lot of aspirations and I feel only thinking about myself and being selfish is the way I can achieve it.     **Some changes in me I've observed**:  i) Call out bullshit without hesitation. ii) Political correctness is on a record breaking low. I love how I think and I love my opinions and stick to them sacredly because they're not the consequence of what society in general thinks. iii) Try to approach girls, but only the ones I wanna fuck, not just for the sake of having sex. Have been rejected too. Felt a bit bad about the girl for like 5 mins, then realized how underrated the idea of a person acclimatzing to rejection is. Literally. I was not set aback because of the rejection, I grew more confident. I screwed up again. Then I tried on the gym babe & it worked. iv) Both my oneitis' have tried to set up a meeting with me saying they wanna talk and shit. Nah. Not falling for that shit ever. Have been fairly passive the last couple of days. Both of them have boyfriends and think they can bitch about em to me or maybe because now my SMV might've imrpoved so they can fuck me and make their BF jealous. I don't know and I don't care.  v) People have started to respect me more because I certainly proved to them that I'm not all talks.   **Conclusion** : As the title suggests, frame is not static. It's not a one time thing or a prize. It needs to be continually fucking maintained through **sheer hardwork**. You need to lift/workout/stay fit in order to carry off your psych. You can't expect to act like an Alpha when you're clearly wasting time and energy on useless things. Educate yourself, broaden your horizons, embrace failures. Learn new skills. Learn social skills. Practice in front of mirrors. Be the best version of you. I still get depressive episodes, I still am vulnerable and have a hard time trusting people but that's just me. I have learnt to hide it well and use it *FOR* me. Learn to handle your triggers. Use your flaws to work against them. *Meditate* if you can. Life is for exploring. This is what getting red pilled is. It's a constant effort on your own part. It takes time and can never be perfected. You have to learn to live with the **'YOU'**. Just make sure you add a hell lotta positive aspects to the *YOU*.   Hope you had a great time reading this and picked up a thing or two. Cheers!