Note: This post is not about another groundbreaking psychology. Instead it is an experience I’m sharing b/c I’m not sure what I’m feeling is somewhat common? Furthermore, this also may be helpful to people who plan on taking “monk mode” approach from TRP to focus on themselves. This gives you an idea of what you could do better them I have done to avoid my current situation although I’m mot sure of the situation described is caused by sode or it is just something to ignore.

Some backstory

21 male. I entered “monkmode” about 2 months ago. I have since then spent 95% of my free time either reading about new things, also working on my English writing skills, lifting, summer courses, working and last but not the least improving mental health. In addition to this, I took TRP concepts, customized them differently on different occasions to get better results (women approach, when, where, how etc..)

I would like to thank the people sharing great content here. Thank you! You’re great.

The Struggle

The new formed monk routine was tough to manage in a length of 24 hours everyday so I have spent much time building better schedules for myself along the way. Of course I knew it wasn’t going to be a piece of cake.

This is mostly how most of my week is like and on the weekends I do enjoy some leisure time. So I do give myself rest.

Enough back story to give you an idea of my life right now.

Side Effects of this lifestyle I’m starting to have. I’m not sure if (side effects) is the right word to use for what’s about to come but it’ll do for now.

1) As I followed through my routine a part of my brain forms a feeling of loneliness often times at night. To further illustrate this terminology I am experiencing another interpretation of this scenario is,

Brain: Look at you. All isolated. You’re a robot, what have you turned into? You’re a university student. Go out and have fun, you’re still very young, you don’t need to think hard about your improvement for now. Why the fuck are you sleeping at 10pm?

Note: These feelings are a compilation, not all occur at the same time potentially giving me a panic attack or something. No, this is just an illustration to give you an idea about my experience worded in the best way as I possibly could.

The most occuring one is the “10pm feeling” it feels like I’m lifeless when I follow that routine for 5 days a week. A part of me also believe that this is just a thought and doesn’t mean shit as long as I’m progressing further and further to my goals.

  1. This one started after a couple weeks of monk mode. During friendly gatherings, hangouts which occur mosty every other day but I chose only the weekends for that.

The side-effect in this aspect, Slowly any contact in person with my usual friend’s circle started feeling stupid and useless.

Unless The topic was something I could learn something new from Instances where advice/help/support is needed either to them or me. Other rare occasions where I genuinely dont hate them per say

Other then this, slowly all the fun, mocking, crazy things friends do together. I didn’t enjoy these situations as much hence my participation in conversation started to decrease. The more I observe their traits/habbits/beliefs in a broader perspective now that I am becoming more awarw of human psychology/biolgocal traits the more useless their point of views on most things feel like to me.

I should also mention that these close friends of mone are not retarded losers, they have ambition, goals which they pursue in their own way. I have no issues with that. The shitty part is the humor, blue pill conditioning (this term makes sense to only some people, others can skip or google it). This all stupid to me now at this point.

Oh and I wasn’t aware of a rule of TRP before where it says not to share with other your TRP beliefs. In he early stages, I simply read, applied, measured results and also provided TRP concepts to my buddies where the concepts could relate to and give them an idea of let’s say “why he girlfriend did a certain thing and how it was totally a shit test you fell for” explained some terminology. As usual he protected hos beliefs and brished me off. I started to not take part in such conversations anymore.

These are enough descriptions to give you an idea of the whole scenario right now.

What am I doing wrong? I thought about this hard and could not come up with a solid reasoning. This wasn’t my expectation of my “monk mode” journey. I just simply cannot understand why I don’t feel like a part of the group anymore. I’m not a boring person, I’m social, I don’t have anxiety issues anymore since monk routine has done me well and it’s only been a little while. I have a good standing in success with girls. I have a good academic standing. Most simplu don’t want to hear me out on my new discoveries which are provided with reason and evidence. Their trust on my judgement is fading away as well. Sometimes I feel like my words are not taken seriously and mostly brished off.

This is self improvement according to my long term goals. The “side-effects” won’t stop me from continuing but I can definitely keep customizing my lifestyle b/c there’s always room for improvement. If possible I could change certain ways of my behavior in order to stay friends with them (long term friends). Although I’m mot going to die if this cannot he fixed.

These “side-effects” feel like a ridiculous thing to happen to me along my path. It wasn’t called for. Borderline pisses me off sometimes as to why this shithole of a situation I have ended up in with friends for no apparent fucking reason.

If someone can relate to any of the context described above, please provide some thoughts or feel free to having an open discussion with me about this if you need some more info.

This is all I can think of at the moment, will edit if something I missed hits me again.

Sorry about spelling errors. Typed with phone.