There was a post about finances recently in which the OP complained that The Red Pill focuses too much on women. Demonstrating his ignorance, he later added as an edit:

The comment section is exactly how a TRP post should be. People are sharing ideas and helping others with wisdom and financial advice. No thoughts are being shared on women. This is absolutely beautiful.

Calling this a foolish statement begs the question: why do we focus so much on sexual strategy?

Biologically, men are hardwired to lust after women. So it's counterproductive to attempt to somehow shut off or mitigate those desires through meditation and long term abstinence. Rather, you would ideally find a way to satisfy those desires as quickly and efficiently as possible so you can focus on more important shit.

Complaining that we talk too much about women is like criticizing a weightlifting sub for talking too much about nutrition. Yeah, we want to talk about, you know, lifting weights, but if you aren't eating right then you won't get anywhere in practice. You can write all day about how to squat with good form, but there is a 0% chance you will squat three plates without proper nutrition.

Taking this metaphor further, most guys don't want to dedicate their life to becoming a Michelin Chef. But even if the ultimate goal is "lifting weights", it would be productive to teach them how to cook nutritious and calorie-dense meals quickly and efficiently.

So we can talk about how to become a more powerful man, but when you try to put it in practice you will inevitably get distracted by women if you don't already have that part of your life in check. Women don't have to be at the center of your life, but it is essential to know how to navigate the sexual marketplace.

The posts here that aren't specifically about women aren't minimizing the importance of learning how to get your dick wet -- they assume you already know how to get your dick wet, and are ready to move on to greater things. Kind of like weightlifting posts assume you already have your diet in check.

Stop trying to cheat biology. You'll lose every time.