Ive seen certain stories like this on reddit and I’ll admit I’ve had similar experiences from asking out women.

Boy Meets Girl, Boy Asks Out Girl, Girl Rejects Him, Girl Wants to be Friends, Boy Says No, Girl Flips out.

It is really that difficult to understand that a man might only be interested in getting to know a women under a romantic or sexual connection and not one of friendship?

Granted there are nuances, Im not talking about relationships where the guy has been friends with the girl for years but the only reason he was friends with her in the 1st place was to get her into bed or he wanted a girlfriend but was too busy scheming/lacked the testicular fortitude to ask her out like he’s Little WeeWee spying on Catelyn Stark for years, hoping for a bread crumb of titties.

Those are examples of being disingenuous to the girl as there was clearly outlined expectations of friendship.

Im talking about where a guy asks out a girl from the start and she turns him down but instead the girl reciprocates with an overture for friendship and he says no.

Men don’t have to agree to friendship with women in these situations, just like women don’t have to a sexual or romantic relationship.