So I decided back when I was 24 (26 now) that I had had enough of the internet and enough of playing videogames, I used to play WoW all day.

My girlfriend left me and drained my bank account so she could move back to her parents, basically her college was going to shit and she was depressed, I had personally seen it coming for a while - so although it hurt, it was expected. (she bought a uhaul and people to load it, unpack it and drive it for her) she took some of my furniture and my TV, but I still had my PC. I found myself in the months afterwards slowly falling back into a WoW addiction - so I decided enough was enough.

If you don't know how WoW is like, it's basically a world, so instead of focusing on your issues in the real world or anything really, you just focus on leveling your character in WoW and forget about your real life problems, it's like being a heroin addict except you can actually quit. forgetting about your problems is no way to fix them or be a better person.

I started following some MGTOW things mostly as a way to deal with the breakup, it hurt. I agreed with many of the things being said about guys in relationships, I had been a complete cuck in the relationship and the second things had changed financially, she was gone. (I am an engineer, and I decided to take a few months off to live off my personal funds because I was wanting to switch things up) I figure she just didn't see things ever working out with her college collapsing and me not being as driven as I had been in the past.

So, when I started to get my life together again, I limited myself to around 600 calories a day and I was hitting a pretty small local gym close to my old university for at least 2 hours a day, it's intended for students really, but it was a great gym and open for 24 hours - I used to go there back in the day. I just ate a whole bunch of lean turkey fried up with some broccoli and drank a whole lot of green tea and bottled water.

I dropped 10's of pounds in a matter of weeks, I was feeling happier and more confident, but at this point I was monk mode. I didn't even want to see or talk to a woman again, I usually hit the gym at around 5am or 9pm, depending on other things I had on during the day, this was mostly to avoid people that would judge my weight, i didn't care about what they thought, but still, I didn't want to be stared at either, I am an earphones in, zone out kinda dude.

One day last year, a chick starts showing up at around 6am...not much older, blonde, chubby, not that attractive maybe a 4/10 clearly single, so she would often be there 1 hour into my workout. typical stare down, 4 treadmills away type shit. I decided to start at around 4am instead, so she would show up when I left. I didn't really want any distractions or to be around a woman - and I also didn't want creep stares or whatever other shit.

This continues for a few months, she's often arriving just as I leave, If she says good morning I say good morning back, but apart from that, I wasn't really wanting to talk. You could occasionally see the surprise on her face, I was dropping weight really fast, mostly in my face, I looked different every few weeks and had to buy better fitting gym clothes. After a few months pass, she stops showing up for a few weeks I think, and I just continue doing my own thing, gym to myself, feels great. occasionally one other guy is there, but he just does some light stuff for 30 minutes every few days. I never talked to that chick, I didn't want really too, it seemed like she always wanted me too, but I wasn't interested, she didn't seem like a very nice person. I was there to improve myself; not get into another bad relationship.

So, three or four weeks ago she starts showing up again and starts at 4am, she's put on a lot of weight from when I last saw her at the gym, probably a lot of stress from work or college or whatever, probably starting earlier because she's also self conscious, and I've been there, so like always I just focus on myself. at this point, i'm actually not fat anymore, over the last few months i had started lifting and occasionally swimming too. lost 60% of my starting body-weight, what was left was going into muscle.

I'm in a routine, so I use the same treadmill, same rower, same bike day after day. One day when I walk into the gym she's on "my" treadmill and she knows it; she has literally done this deliberately to get into conversation with me, and she'd try and be flirty. She started trying to make conversation with me more and more often, she had clearly gotten tired of waiting for me to talk to her. This is pretty much what I expected to happen one day. I didn't make a move and take the low ground so finally she decided to take it herself. So this happens for weeks, I just keep working on me, not interested at all. Until, one day when she walks past me she grabs my arm to feel my muscle and says "wow you're muscles are getting so big" or some creepy shit like that, she was expecting a positive reaction and instead my red pill rage kicks in and I ask her very politely to never do that again. she starts to do this thing where she'll stare at me while i'm lifting or when i take my shirt off to go in the pool, I actually made sure to go to the other pool entrance so she wouldn't, it was very clear at this point that she either wanted to hook up or go on a date, I was not attracted to this woman, infact I'd say the opposite, I was utterly repulsed by her. She takes all of my actions in like a playful hard to get kind of way. I told her I had a girlfriend just to get her off my back, and she still did this shit, crazy right?

Long story short, I was incredibly stand-offish, i really didn't want to bend or even talk to this woman that clearly had watched my progression from unfit to fit and was suddenly interested, so we already know this ugly unattractive woman invades personal space, doesn't care about commitment, doesn't take me or my emotions seriously, and only cares about my appearance.

I was basically forced to deal with this chick or move gyms, or move into primetime, I didn't want to switch up gyms or move to a later slot, mostly because I still work, and i'd just run into several more of these predatory women, besides, other gyms are way further away and I was in a great routine here, I knew where everything was; the only thing that's weird is this chick and I guess I could deal with it, and if she persisted, i'd just get more serious.

It got almost laughable, like this chick was actually on the verge of sexually harassing me, touching me and often I was just doing my own thing, she found several excuses each session to walk past me and do this shit accidentally or on purpose, her routine was to invade my personal space. So I guess I eventually got tired of her shit, I wasn't a beta cuck and I wasn't going to ever be one again, and one day when she grabbed me deliberately to "ask me something" I told her something along the lines of "If you ever so much as accidentally touch me again, I'll be calling the police"

Her reaction to this was acting as If I was crazy, I suppose that had made some sense looking back, most of the time she had done it "accidentally" before I didn't react at all, I didn't really want to give her any attention now that I did give her negative attention, she probably expected the opposite reaction. she was very verbal and self-centred; "how dare you say that shit to me, I'm a princess" type shit, that day I decided to cut my workout short, was going to walk my sisters dog anyway later in the day, but yeah, honestly, this was a turning point for her. I said things like "You know, maybe if you didn't grab people and try to talk to them mid-workout then I'd maybe have considered talking to you eventually" I don't think she ever expected a guy like me to reject a princess like her, she expected me to be literally jumping at the opportunity, and I wasn't, I remained true to the motivations and drive that had gotten me as far as I had already gotten; after a long and stressful breakup, i pushed myself to get here. I really didn't and still don't want a chick, especially a chick like that in my life.

She kept saying things like "you really shouldn't ever speak to any woman like that, how dare you" and tried to make herself into a victim, obviously she was then expecting me to actually her...someone who had literally been touching me without my permission, invading my personal space and being incredibly rude or self-centred at the best of times. She actually really thought I would apologise to her, and her terrible guilt-trip shit would actually work.

last week I was walking into the gym for my workout and the woman at reception (fairly old, in her late 50's) pulls me to one side and asks me to talk about a situation that's come up, she's usually not in this early, she comes in if she needs to talk to people in a certain slot. I ask her what's up, they tell me that I might not be able to come to the gym anymore, I see her already in the gym, and what's worse, on my treadmill again:

"Someone from your time-slot has complained and feels uncomfortable having you in their time-slot, so your choices are you can either change your timeslot or you'll need to find another gym"

After being shocked, and laughing it off a little, ask her if she has footage from a few days ago, she's hesitant to go get it at first and tries to get me to change my slot anyway (she had already disabled my keycard), I tell her i'd rather actually show her what was really happening and then she could make a decision - luckily this receptionist has been there quite often and knows who I am.

Show her how this chick literally walks up to me and just grabs my arm, giggling. It's clearly visible to us both that I clearly didn't want her to, also show her how this crazy literally gives me a stare-down when i'm lifting, it looks even weirder on a recording, so I gave a counter-complaint for the same reasons. Told her to imagine if i had walked up to a woman and grabbed her arm and what the consequences from that could have been, surprisingly she completely agrees with my point - I guess she didn't want it to go further than that.

That day they had already disabled the all-access keycard I used to get in most days, so they had already pretty much removed ME from the gym without actually hearing my side of the story, which was infuriating, but I tried not to get angry. I heard from the receptionist a few days later that she was removed from the gym. Last few days I've had the gym all to myself. Pool, weights, cardio machines. haven't heard from her since. remember that harassment isn't exclusive to just women. exercise your rights as well as yourself.

tl;dr get fat, girlfriend dumps me and takes my stuff, self-repair and go to the gym, got fit, ugly 4/10 chick who was judgemental when I was fat starts hitting on me at the gym, reject her, she starts invading my personal space and touching me, threaten her, plays the victim, being petty she attempts to get me removed from the gym for harassment her being uncomfortable- get her removed from the gym with video evidence of her invading my space.