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As a web developer that discovered TRP 1 year ago and is very grateful for the subreddit, I've always wanted to contribute here, but I never knew how, until now. After TRP has been quarantined, I feared it would get banned one day. So I decided to figure out a way to scrape the entire subreddit and have it viewed on a simple website.

I saw TRP's current backup of the subreddit and I wasn't happy with its design and hard-to-use website (and its lack of posts). So I decided to spend 8 hours trying to figure out how to scrape the entire subreddit and then code a website to view the posts as simple as possible.


  • 160,035 posts from TheRedPill & askTRP & RedPillParenting & RedPillWomen & ThankTRP & becomeaman & altTRP & GEOTRP
  • Comments (+ replies) included
  • TRP's subreddit theme
  • Search through all the posts instantly
  • Lightweight and simple to use website & no ads
  • DDoS protected and secured

Edit: Thank you for the amazing feedback everyone. I just finished scrapping RedPillWomen & RedPillParenting & ThankTRP and added them both to the website. Up to 1.5k posts added.

Edit 2: Almost every single post (around 64k) ever posted on TRP, from all the way back to 2012 till now, can now be viewed on the website.

Edit 3: Option to search through entire archive added; search through titles, posts, authors and even comments.

Edit 4: Every single post from askTRP, becomeaman and RedPillWomen (altTRP + GEOTRP) has been archived; that counts up to 60k posts since 2012. We are now at a total of 160k archived posts!