Women are ruining men's lives every day with false rape accusations, divorce rape, money leeching, flirting with men for betabux then friend zoning him, domestic abuse, feminism, sexual harassment claims, man hating, etc, etc.

The solution is to segregate all men and women in the world. All men should be MGTOW in a mandatory way. It would improve their mental health greatly. Male suicide and depression rates will drop heavily if we implemented this. Male happiness rates would skyrocket. I say, we find everyone born with a vagina and ship them off to an island. The rest of the world can be an all male space. Men can be strong and independent and survive without women. Women can't. They are an inferior and stupider species who depend on males to survive (if we had a matriarchy throughout history, then technological progress would not exist and we would be having less progress than cavemen, in fact, humans would be EXTINCT). Cavemen are more advanced and are smarter than the female race. Even monkeys are smarter and superior to women. The human woman is the most inferior and stupidest species to ever exist and all animals, plants, objects, and particles in the universe are more advanced than them. Gentleman, I say it's time to cut off their life support. Stop women from leeching our money and using the resources that us men have invented throughout history. When they are sent to an island, they would probably have less technological progress than a fucking rock and would be living outside in the cold (can't even make a house out of sticks LOL). Since they are weaker and stupider than men, they won't be able to invent or innovate shit and would probably be eaten by animals very easily. I doubt they will last long on the island, but if females want to be "a strong and independent womyn who don't need no man" then surely they would think that they would be fine being isolated from males? If women think they are so powerful and capable, then segregate them from all men and forbid them from using any form of technology invented by males.

This is the only way to make females realize how feminism is a mistake, that women are not biologically equal but INFERIOR, and how the "strong and independent womyn" meme is a delusion. They will realize that women have hurt men for too long throughout history with their female supremacy tactics and it's too late to ask men for forgiveness.

Remember, AWALT. It does not matter if it is a feminist woman or anti-feminist traditional woman or a MRA woman or whatever. The traditional woman/redpilled woman is only anti-feminist to impress alpha males and to lure him so that she can leech off his money like a parasite. I do not care if they are someone's daughter, wife, girlfriend, friend, cousin, sister, or whatever. All women are psychopathic hypergamous whores. Blood is money and women are the lice. ALL women must be shipped off to the island. NO EXCEPTIONS.

To continue the human race and prevent human extinction, I have the following plan: We must develop sex robots with implanted artificial wombs and artificial eggs. Men can impregnate these robots to continue the human race. We can genetically modify all embryos to become male. If we get a female anyways, we can decide whether to abort or allow the robot to give birth, but send the baby to the island.