Freedom from oppressive laws & civil statutes. Men are entirely expendable in family court & in all matters regarding custody & reproductive rights. Far too dense to go into detail, but if you don’t know, you better learn quick.

Freedom from the selfish gene. You are not your DNA… yet when we say “my dick leads me around” what we mean is “my DNA has demands.” Your DNA will kill you to reproduce if necessary… at minimum lead you to risks that a prudent man would avoid. Even if you go your own way & still date, the philosophy gives you all the tools to draw the line before you sacrifice for society, women, or your genome.

Freedom from feminine forms of lunacy.

Look up “hybristophilia.” It’s common. Bet you’ve experienced it.

Then consider the essential truth of “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” i.e. women tend to be temporary sociopaths when dumped. That’s fancy stuff.

But don’t forget pans hurled across the kitchen.

Don’t forget that you are expected to read minds.

Don’t forget the arguments over irrelevant shit because she refuses to be direct.

Don’t forget monthly menses.

Even if you still date (and really why wouldn’t you assuming it’s easy?) you have the distance to avoid these lunacies & the freedom to get her out of your life.

Women need checked. Period. Ask a wise woman, she’ll tell you the same. You can’t hit a woman, and you can’t divorce a woman without losing your shit & your kids. The only way you can check a woman in 2018 is by threatening to leave & 100% meaning it. By kicking her right out of your house, filming the interaction, locking the door, calling her an Uber, & maybe she can come back next week if she shapes up & treats you with respect, & this is the last warning, please take me seriously.

Freedom from Simpery… scratch that, I mean Cuckery. Both actually. Whether or not you like the political overtones, cuck is useful in this context. Modern relationships that involve the state (kids, marriage, cohabitation, palimony, etc, + whatever is surely next) give women the upper hand at all times. Legally. Culturally. All backed up by men with guns enforcing female supremacist laws. Q.E.D. most men who stay married/LTR’d don’t wear the pants… or even own pants.

Money. SO much money.

Money not wasted chasing women.

Money not spent on status symbols to attract women.

Money not squandered on the ridiculous shit most women buy.

Money not lost to divorce.

Money not lost to mothers-in-law & ne’er do well brothers-in-law.

Money not lost to stupid feel-good spending, thus invested, thus making more money.

Money not spent on big stupid wasteful houses.

Money not spent on big stupid wasteful weddings.

Money not spent on keeping up with the Joneses.

Money not spent on children (although that’s a very mixed blessing for many. I can do downsides—and brother, believe me, MGTOW has downsides—in another post if you like.)

And/Or Time. SO much time.

Time chasing women.

Time keeping women. If I want a really good tomato & a neighbor or friend doesn’t have one, I’ll go… but otherwise fuck a farmer’s market. As the great Patrice O’Neal said, “women are time vampires.”

Time earning money she spends.

Time earning money you spend on her.

Really think about c. Do you need a big house? Or is half a small duplex you own good? Or a tiny house? Or an RV? Or even just a van if you’re a tradesman working out west? Or a room somewhere if you’re on Residence Inn & per diem duty, trucking, etc.

How soon can you retire if you drive a Honda till it dies, keep living expenses low, pay for no leech women, pay for few dates, buy only “essential” toys, and put half your earnings in rental properties or a properly hedged set of investments?

If you get some land, build a tiny house on it (or on a friend’s land), invest half your aftertax, & are under 30, how soon can you retire? The answer = well before 50. 40 with luck and/or a big job/business.

No WAY with a woman attached. Not unless she’s very atypical. She might go for the tiny house, she might go for no kids, she might be all “fuck the Joneses,” but how many women do you know who give up brunch and weekend getaways (272 a night, coincidentally always on your dime….) and nice vacations and duvets for TWENTY YEARS? I know zero.

But if you keep spending in check, keep an okay job or better, go on hiking vacations instead of skiing or Aruba, you mostly cook at home, drink good coffee you made instead of Starbucks swill, buy cars for cash, work on your rentals one day a week, you can retire at 45 and never work another damn day in your life. Unless you want to. And you will, take it from me. But it will be on what you want. And when those rentals are paid down, bam, you’re living pretty damn well.

I don’t care how good your woman is, and sure they exist, but even she’s a 10-year crimp in the program. FIFTY-five retirement, not FORTY-five. HUGE fuckin’ difference. You’ll understand that when you hit fifty’ish if you’re still under 40.

So she’s strong & independent & makes great money? Maybe so, but her money is hers & she’s gonna mostly spend it on stupid shit, even if it’s the kind of stupid shit most people think isn’t stupid (big houses, new cars, private schools & social “science” degrees for the kids, etc.) The economy equals media, wars, oil, wars for oil, and women spending money on stupid shit.

A chance to excel. Most men on their own journey won’t. Most will muddle through, or do okay in business like myself, but only contribute to humanity with an improvement or two to an industry, maybe a small invention, a helpful book, bettering friends & employees & family.. Nothing to laugh at, but nothing special.

Yet many of the greats in history were great because they have that extra 20 years of free time. They learned not to follow their dick around (or they just followed dick around, which must be a hell of a lot more efficient than chasing pussy.) They kept focused. The emotional weather included few tornadoes.

Maybe you won’t be Tesla… but maybe you’ll make a shitload of money because you keep reinvesting & aren’t distracted & no one wants the kids to go to Porter Day & Groton & Harvard & why aren’t you out there stumping for them don’t you love your children I don’t know what’s wrong with you Elon!

Then maybe you’ll sink the money into a really great park or a library or an endowment for an X prize to solve the AI alignment problem. Or maybe you’ll write a really good book. Or mentor dozens of kids. 20 years is a long time.

Men with wives & children typically do nothing of the sort… unless they came from lots of zeros in the first place or earned their wealth before marrying.

Divorced men, men in jail for child support, men who’s children were stolen away along with his house & dignity, men kicked out of the home so their women can marry Daddy Government, well, we’d like to forget about them, but we’re MGTOW so we will do nothing of the sort.We either are them or we owe them for the secondhand wisdom.