"Throughout her dissertation, Parson assumes and asserts that women and minorities are uniquely challenged by the idea that science can provide objective information about the natural world. This is an unfair assumption, she says, because the concept of objectivity is too hard for women and minorities to understand. “[N]otions of absolute truth and a single reality” are “masculine,” she says, referring to poststructuralist feminist theory."

hahahaha what in the fuck?

The prospect of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is an objective fact based on the rules of arithmetic, right? It cannot be subjective, there is no other correct answer. Could you imagine a world wherein all the rules of mathematics were suspended out of political correctness? What would such a world look like do you imagine? Many of these SJW types are absolute simpletons when it comes to the subject of math - I've witnessed this personally on many occasions - wherein every method of finding the correct answer, singular, is predicated on following objective "masculine" rules whereby one can only be right once and wrong infinitely. These people are accustomed to excelling in subjects where no answer is a wrong answer, where anyone and everyone can form some ridiculous subjective responses born out of their own confirmation biases which oftentimes stem from their own deeply held insecurities and then be given an A for effort.

I bet she's a bad test taker too and I bet that, from her perspective, this doesn't define her ability to learn and retain new information. This might be why so many college and university classes implement "open book" and "open notes" policies for test taking, or even exact test replica study guides and "take-home" tests... These are the same people who claim that IQ doesn't matter and isn't at all an accurate measurement of ones intelligence.

Cultural Marxism is a disease of the mind and it infects millions of people, especially feeble minded pseudo-intellectual, educated idiots like Laura Parson who then spread their disease corroding any individual or institution they come into contact with. This whole situation is fucked.