Hello MGTOW! This is my first essay I've written, and I hope you guys can give me feedback on it. I wrote it after reflecting on many posts on this subreddit, and I hope it resonates well within the community. Don't hold back with feedback, be as harsh as you want. Anyway, go ahead and read it. Sorry I didn't reference quotes and such, I didn't think about it until it was too late. TL;DR at the end. Also I use British English, not American English; excuse the abundant U's and lack of Z's.

Preface; an explanation of the abundance of axioms. Like any overarching statement about a large group of people, assumptions and adages must be used. Although considered by some to be a weak supporting point or a fallacy within the reasoning, ultimately, they are necessary. A system of logic independent of any axioms to derive an objective truth is inherently impossible as any complete and consistent system of logic relies on non-provable axioms. Hence, stereotypes, common anecdotes, and the sort can be regarded as valid due to their roots in reality and prevalence in the mind of many.

Women are mundane to converse with because everything is said twice in the man’s mind, yet once by the woman’s mouth. For event “C” to occur, event “B” must occur first, triggered by event “A.” Ergo, after indication event “A” occurred, the man’s mind understands event “C” has occurred, and thus conversation can move to the variable event “D.” However, a woman’s mind lacks the ability to conceive of such forward thinking and prediction, thus she must explain the reasoning behind event “A” leading to event “C” because she believes the world is filtered by men the same way it is filtered by her. This creates a tedious series of events in which the man must listen to elementary reasoning explained like a revolutionary concept. When women communicate with each other, this explanation of events is necessary, and generates a reaction from the crowd as these easily foreseeable events are revealed. When men communicate with each other, their minds are sharp and are always thinking ahead; they understand where the conversation is heading, thus can indicate their understanding, advancing past unnecessary parts of conversation. When groups of men hunted in the early eras of humanity, dangerous situations occurred regularly which required fast, yet thorough, communication and understanding, hence this trait was passed down. Eventually, this evolved to how conversation is observed today. According to Nietzsche, becoming an Übermensch is an attainable goal for the thinking man. This fracture in ability between superior and lesser beings is reflected in his Thus Spoke Zarathustra, in which is stated “What is ape to man? A laughing stock or painful embarrassment. And just the same man be to an Übermensch; A laughing stock or painful embarrassment.”

This property that separates men and women is the reason men work so well under pressure, learn quickly, and become overwhelmed far less often, and why women cannot perform at the elite level men are expected to thrive at. The ability to quickly grasp a concept is due to pattern recognition. As mentioned, if “A” occurs, “B” must follow, which leads to “C.” Therefore, “A” leads to “C.” Because women fail to grasp at the idea of forward planning, they cannot excel in a field that is already established, that also has a rapid learning curve. Furthermore, forming a new field requires all learning to be made by the pioneer. This is the most challenging and demanding learning curve because no one can explain it slowly. Hence, women do not pioneer new fields, technologies, or ideas. They rely on learning an already established field to a level of adequacy, then proving that to their in-group and out-group. Conversely, due to a man’s ability to reason and analyse, he is driven to pioneer avant-garde ideas, or endeavour for mastery over established ones, hoping to contribute to the in-group which is designed to benefit the out-group. Steve Jobs commented on this idea of pioneering a craft, saying “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” This is proof enough that men are determined to succeed whereas women are driven to prove their competency to others.

This lack of autonomy in women is the reason they attempt to create an interesting life through drama and controversial interpersonal relations, despite the sum of their lives totalling to a boring and plebeian existence that has no net value. The activities that they “enjoy” are typically things such as texting, talking, shopping, and pursuing hedonistic pleasure. Stereotypes have roots in reality, and these stereotypical female activities all provide some sort of social status and thus group acceptance. Stereotypical male activities often involve mastery of the body, or mastery of a craft. These things serve the man, his in-group, and the out-group at large. A man sitting in a dark room for 18 hours attempting to perfect a code is proof of his ability to commit to improving himself, but a woman’s inability to accept a man’s participation in that is proof that she wishes for him to be at her level. Independent thought is alien to women, hence they feel the need to be constantly surrounded by others. They rely on groupthink but men rely on themselves. This caution and need for approval is summed up by a quote from Jordan Thomas’ character Andrew Ryan; "What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds, a parasite asks 'Where's my share?' A man creates, a parasite says 'What will the neighbours think?' A man invents, a parasite says 'Watch out, or you might tread on the toes of God...' On the surface, the Parasite expects the doctor to heal them for free, the farmer to feed them out of charity... Lacking its own ingenuity, the parasite fears the visionary. What it cannot plagiarize, it seeks to censor. What it cannot regulate, it seeks to ban."

Mastery is a male concept; it is independent of societal factors. Estrangement and pity may be put on those men who spend their lives dedicated to a craft. But this is a blessing; these men are the saviours of civilisation, helping society despite their cruel treatment of him. The struggle for perfection is summed up by the final line in Albert Camus’ essay The Myth of Sisyphus; “The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” This strive for perfection in men and strive for social acceptance in women is as a result of the cohabitation between mankind and war since our earliest ancestors. One man can have an almost unlimited number of children; 0.5% of the world population, and 8% of the Mongolian population carry an identical Y-chromosome that is hypothesised to link back to Genghis Khan. Yet, the most amount of children a woman has ever had is 69, two of which did not survive much past birth. Hence, when men went out to fight in wars and battles, their death meant little for the local population, in respect for the future. Conversely, women were kept safe to ensure the vast amount of resources they consumed during pregnancy did not go to waste. Not only that, if the men of their tribe were conquered, then the women would be content with being impregnated by the superior conquerors. Through hundreds of thousands of years of behavioural evolution, men grew to wish to be the metaphorical “superior conquerors,” and women grew to be complacent with being provided for and looked after.

Then, the industrial revolution began and women began to demand independence, which defied the entirety of their evolutionary lineage. In turn, this caused a rapid decline in morality and honour within society; the nuclear family model of 19th and early-to-mid 20th century dissolved and was replaced by “empowered” and “strong” women. Although this has its merits, ultimately it has caused a dissatisfaction within men who seek to be the best they can and not walk on eggshells around those less driven than them. To draw parallels to one of the Greek philosopher Aesop’s well known fables, The Fox and the Grapes, those that cannot do what others can must rationalise their failure and hope to drag down the successful in order to maintain social status. This trait is common to both women, and to men that fail to see their potential. Reflecting inwards to be the best one can without discrediting those that surpass one is a difficult task, hence why The Fox and the Grapes rings so true. According to Søren Kierkegaard’s school of thought, each individual is responsible for themselves, and social influences shouldn’t impact their behaviour.

To be in charge of oneself and to worship humanity as a whole is at the centre of humanism. If fact, if the word “God” is replaced by “man” in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, it forms a passage that encourages the reader to take pride in their independence: “Don’t you know that you are [man’s] temple and that the spirit of [man] dwells within you? If anyone destroys [a man’s] temple, then [that man] must surely destroy that person.” If one loses independence, one has lost rationality. If one relies on groupthink in order to reason, one has already lost the ability to reason. A woman’s reasoning involves in-group versus out-group clashes. Logic for them revolves around estrangement and exclusion from the in-group, meaning they think in terms of societal issues, as well as personal issues. Rather than being worried if an action causes harm to oneself, a woman is worried about if the action will cause her to be exiled from the in-group. Conversely, a man’s logic is exactly that; logic. The ability to view oneself as an individual, not as part of a group, is exclusive to men.

Plate wrote in Phaedo this comment at Socrates’ execution; “[I] wept for myself, it was not him for whom I wept, but for my own misfortune in being deprived of such a friend.” Misunderstanding the outbursts, stoic Socrates replied “What conduct is this, you strange men! I sent the women away for this very reason that they might not behave in this absurd way.” This idea of men in a weakened state representing women has become more common in correlation with women being held on a pedestal and presented as the superior sex. These “Beta-males” that view themselves as the bottom scum of society are in fact the ones that are damaging the foundations, and those “Alpha-males” that understand their potential and are at the top of the social ladder are the ones that pull us up with them. Like a man scared of god, the Beta-male rests on his knees, asking for permission, forgiveness, wares, and knowledge. Yet, what the god-fearing man and the Beta-male do not realise, is that the thing they fear does not tangibly exist; it is like a visage, a controller hiding behind the curtain like in The Wizard of Oz. Like a Greek upon the Acropolis looking upon his brethren toiling the fields, the Alpha-male pushes for an ideal state in which men can realise their maximum potential as discussed in Plato’s Republic, even if that still be in the fields, but the man should want to be in the fields, rather than be stranded there due to economics or societal prejudice.

The issue with self-deprecation in the modern man is that these men feel as if they deserve punishment for not conforming to every request of society, specifically women. In times of past in which the distinction between man and women was an obvious one, the separation between Alpha-male and Beta-male was an obvious one too. This allowed for all but the introspectively-deficient men to push to excel. However, with the dawn of the modern women, their dissonance between thoughts and actions, and attempts to emulate a man’s life, the separation is less inherent as men cannot and will not look within themselves to realise their driving factors. Men now spend less time with men, thus the fraternity, espirit de corps, and competitiveness is at an all-time low; the Alpha-male has become a scarce resource and is almost always generated by internal influences such as genetics and mental prowess rather than communication and discussion with others. Hence, the Beta-male is prevalent in today’s society. Voltaire once said “Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.”

However, this depression in male vitality in history has hit a turning point; women’s atrocities are becoming obvious and now the working man, not just the thinking man, can see the benefits of straying away from conformity. Feminized men and the attempted masculinisation of women has awoken some men into realising this shift in the paradigm isn’t natural. Men are once again realising that they are men, and those that do not wish to succumb to the fraudulent exploitation of their stoicism can call themselves a man once again. The Rhodesian army’s slogan hailed this concept and attempted to restore their men to their former glory; “Be a man among men.” This process is slow; Socrates’ Allegory of the Cave is relevant. To paraphrase: “If a group of men in a cave are imprisoned from birth and never see the sun, they would deny its existence. If one of the men escaped and saw the sun, he would think he was maddened until his eyes grew used to the powerful light. After learning of the wonders of the outside world, he returns to the cave to spread the message. However, as he walks in, he cannot see for his eyes are used to the light. As he tries to describe the wonders in a blinded state, the others that remained in the cave may think of him as barbaric, absurd, crazy, and wrong.” It discusses the difficulty in changing opinion.

Changing another’s opinion in argument is a futile task; one does not argue to challenge their beliefs, one argues to prove themselves right. The only way for a man to awaken is for him to see firsthand these atrocities, and have a seed of doubt already planted within him. This doubt can be dispelled through two ways; rising above, or succumbing and rationalising inadequacy. The Alpha-male argues, debates, thinks, then rises above the doubt in his mind, but the Beta-male refuses to change his opinions. In turn, he has weak escapes and illogical fallacies to cover up his failure. This means that in the companionship and cohabitation between men and women, the Alpha-male can reign in his female as he has no fear of failure. He is not scared of her being adulterous or slandering his name. Furthermore, the female has respect for the Alpha-male due to this. On the contrary, the Beta-male lives in fear, thus becomes the subordinate in the relationship and a second-class citizen. This goes against natural order and defies hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

These Beta-males create an environment in which they revel in their lack of control thus they do not want to have to gain control, and responsibility. However, society encourages men to take control and have many responsibilities to harden and hone their masculinity. Due to this fracture between personal desires and social orders, the practice of cuckolding was born. These simps believe that by allowing and supervising their partner cheating on them, they gain some sort of control despite the fact that it is the woman in the empowered position. They are in control, but in control of their own demise. These cuckolds are blind to their situation, and thus being a both a cuckold and an Alpha-male is impossible. The thinking man cannot be blind. Thus, the Beta-males lash out at Alpha-males, partly out of jealousy, but also because they believe it will protect their fragile shell of attempted rationalisation. This is reflected by Michael Grant’s idea that “in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. But, in the darkness, the man with the candle is an easy target.”

This decline in both men and women, ergo society, stems from the two things discussed in this thesis; women are not as intelligent as men, and women want to be treated and act on par, or superior, to men. If men remained in charge of themselves, and society, through labour, introspection, innovation, and exploration, and if women remained as housewives that networked, talked, provided comfort, and provided a loving outlet for children, society would have a more stable foundation and there would be a severe, yet beneficial, lack of emasculated men that have no vision.

Those that understand the concepts that have been discussed, agree with them, and have discovered them of their own accord, no matter their current status, are, or have the potential to be, an Alpha-male. Those that reject clear scientific thought, philosophical mastery, and social observations, with anger and denial, are currently the Beta-male archetype and will struggle to awaken. Although some concepts may be considered controversial, such as “men are inherently more intelligent than women,” they are ultimately true. Alexander the Great was king of Macedon, conquered the entirety of the Persian Empire, and began a campaign into India. The first computers, Wi-Fi, internet, phones, were all created by men that saw a need for ease of access. In the face of bias discrimination, men dominate the STEM fields due to their natural intuition and ability to reason. It is true that there are different kinds of intelligences, but only men can utilise and harness their power and energy into mastery. Those that have no passion, no hobby, and no drive, will have no future.

If a man is worried that he lives in some sort of limbo between Alpha- and Beta-masculinity, some sort of third superposition, he can break that shackle and rise to Alpha- status. All a man needs to do to master himself, his mind, his body, is to pick up a hobby; something interesting that also improves him. It is crucial that his hobby has grounds for improvement, and it is crucial the man devotes himself to it entirely. His hobby does not solely have to be physical training; it could be an intellectual pursuit or a creative art. As Socrates once said, “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of [his own] training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which [he] is capable.” A man must strive for perfection, for if he settles for mediocrity, he is no better than a woman.

TL;DR: Strong men do not fear social estrangement, and can thrive to master a craft. Women and weak-willed men cannot, and seek to rationalise their shortcomings or pull those above them down.