Here in TRP community, we know that what women want more than anything is an alpha male. Consequently, the question is what is an alpha male? We have a lot of ideas, most of which are correct. These ideas include impassiveness, physical strength, not clingy, etc. Most of these are great ideas that are true and useful. However, I believe there is another angle we can approach this from, an angle that will make the alpha/beta distinction crystal clear.

Think of your favorite celebrity (or any celebrity for that matter, however I think your favorite celebrity will work better). We are going to say this celebrity is person A and you are person B. Imagine you meet them at some social event, such as a party.

Now, imagine your behavior and emotions while you are hanging out with them. You'd probably be a little nervous and excited. You'd probably want to highly please them through compliments, admiration, etc. You wouldn't dare challenge them would you? If they stated something you disagreed with, would you honestly challenge it and debate them? Or would you just nod and maybe even change your own opinion on it? Maybe some of us would actually disagree, but I'd bet almost anyone would just go along with what they're saying. Also, you'd ask them what they wanna do, rather than you being the one to dictate the group activities/conversation. You would be the one to go get them food/drinks, be as nice to them as possible, etc. If you were to add them on facebook, you'd be the one liking their pictures and following their posts. You'd basically be putting person A on a pedestal, being that you think more highly of them than yourself.

Now imagine how they would act. They probably wouldn't be too emotional, they wouldn't be afraid to disagree with anyone, they would lead the conversation, etc. Also, think of the things that would surprise you. It would probably surprise you if they were the one who went and served everyone food/drinks, right? It would be weird if they were afraid to disagree, if they acted overly nice and constantly complimented, etc. They wouldn't be the one to like your picture, you'd be the one liking their pictures. I'm just listing things I'm thinking of off the top of my head, you can imagine what it would be like in this situation.

In this hypothetical situation, person A (the celebrity) is the alpha, and you are the beta. Everything you'd expect from them is what you'd expect from an alpha. Everything that would be surprising to you, if done by the celebrity (such as them being overly nice), is beta behavior. The reason its surprising is because you expect the celebrity to exhibit nothing but alpha qualities, so when they do something that seems beta, it seems wrong, thus the surprise. In other words, anything the celebrity does that would be surprising, is cultures idea of beta behavior (in all of our subliminal minds). The way most people would act towards them, such as putting them on a pedestal, really wanting to hangout, etc is beta behavior, being that most people are betas relative to celebrities (on the social hierarchy).

So what does this mean? What we would all expect from celebrities, in their behavior, is cultures idea of an alpha. How most of us would act around celebrities is our cultures idea of a beta. In the same way that you'd perceive it as weird if a celebrity desperately wanted to hangout with you, a girl will perceive it as weird if you desperately want to hangout with her. In the same way that you would expect a celebrity to lead the conversation, be impassive, etc, a girl will perceive you as alpha if you lead the conversation, are impassive, etc. In the hypothetical situation, you'd like the celebrity's pictures and you would't expect the celebrity to like your pictures, because the beta is the one who does the liking. So, in the same way you would see it as weird if a celebrity liked your pictures on facebook, a girl will see it as weird if you're the one liking her pictures.

Tl;dr / advice / conclusion:

Imagine how you'd expect a celebrity to act around you if you two were to hangout. How they would act is exactly how you should act around woman to be seen as alpha. Also, think of how you would act towards the celebrity in this hypothetical situation. That is exactly what you do not want to do, because in that situation you are the beta and acting accordingly (overly nice, desire to please, put them on a pedestal, etc). If you are struggling with woman, or with red pill philosophy in general (such as wondering what an alpha is), then think about this hypothetical situation. We can learn both our own and our cultures ideas of an alpha by thinking about hypothetical situations involving alphas and betas. What we'd expect from celebrities (the alphas of our society) is what we subliminally believe to be alpha behavior. How we would act towards them is what we subliminally believe to be beta behavior, as we are acting accordingly to our beta position.

Act how you'd expect a celebrity to act around others. Don't behave towards her in the same way youd behave towards a celebrity, because that will subliminally imply to her that you're below her, that you're the beta out of the two of you.

Don't be person B, be person A, always.