Cuckleworker is a male social worker who spreads feminazi lies to gain brownie points and probably a promotion.

First, women seem to be one of the primary discussion topics. Imagine a man who quit drinking but continuously talks about alcohol. He’d seem like a dry drunk rather than someone who truly left alcohol behind. Or imagine a man who rarely mentions football and seems bored when others bring it up. He’d seem like a man who is truly not a sports person.

Ironically he uses a term borrowed from addiction treatment programs. A dry drunk, someone who has not changed but they are not longer using drungs. All recovering addicts start at this stage. But then at the same time says, imagine a person in an addiction treatment program who just talks about his addiction.

Well if he is a social worker as he claims, then that is exactly what the recovering addict does, in some cases for years. It is actually is part of the recovery process. In his mind, the addict links drugs with good times. This link needs to be broken. To break the link, the addict needs about how the drug affected his life negatively. In severe cases, the patient might be forced to list down every negative thing that happened in his life due to his addiction.

Second, MGTOW beliefs about women’s “true nature” are mostly a collection of crude stereotypes: women don’t think logically, they’re narcissistic, they’re manipulative, and the female brain is inferior — that’s why women can’t take responsibility for anything.

Using the recovering addict example. A way for the addict to justify his addiction is to claim that bad things didn't happen everytime he used drugs. It was a crude stereotype.

that’s why women can’t take responsibility for anything.

This is the ultimate form of deflection. The recovering addict needs to claim responsibility for his actions. In this case he can be responsible by avoiding contact with drugs.

Author: Dave DuBay Dave is a social worker from Phoenix

As a social worker, he should have training with dealing with recovering addicts. Maybe when a recovering crack addict goes to him, he says, don't generalize about crack cocaine. Some people can use crack cocaine with no problems.

Fact is Dave, domestic violence laws are biased against men. Or do you lie to your clients about that also? Maybe Dave tells his male clients, he deserves to get hit by a frying pan, he provoked the woman. That is what the Duluth model of domestic violence is about isn't it Dave?