EDIT: I probably should have left my "BP"-ideas about my own country out of the discussion because this was not really what it was about, or as /u/nightwingtrp put it:

Also, we already know how Sweden appears on the world stage... restating that they appear the most cucked nation on the planet is contributing nothing to discussions here, nor does it address the issue brought up by this member. Think before you type.


Link to article: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.corren.se%2Fasikter%2Fkronikor%2Fvad-ska-vi-ha-pappor-till-om4042377.aspx

Summary: Starting April 1st women in Sweden will be able to get inseminated on the government dime. Single or gay male couples looking for a surrogate mom on the other hand will not have the same privilege.

Body: For the record the article is written by a woman and is very critical to the whole "gender-equality" ideals our government is inflicting on us.

I also have to state that Im not a big fan of people (looking at you Americans) trying to paint Sweden up to be some sort of pussy-whipped rape-loving country (30% is voting for a openly racist nationalistic party).

That said, it's hard to deny the fact that "gender-equality" seems to be more and more a "womens right movement". Somehow the state finds single women to be fit parent over for example gay male couples. To try to brandish this under the banner of "gender equality" real rubs me wrong.

Article also brings up how all women have the ability to go to a club, pick up some clueless chap and "have an accident" and simply say she doesnt know who the dad is.

It gets tiring hearing people claiming to do things for equality when in reality they are creating a privilege.

Lessons learnt:

  • If you are a man, the state is going to find you an unfit parent
  • Dont get tricked by the word "equality" when the world they're should be using is "privilege"