Modern thesis: "Getting pussy is awesome. Therefore, I should bang as many random women as possible. That's what high-value Chads do. Also, marriage is slanted against men, so playing the field makes sense."

What logically follows from this attitude about sex and relationships?

1. It shifts power to Women.

If men attach great importance to hooking up, obviously the gatekeepers of sex will greatly increase in prestige/value. A lot of a young guy's social status is based on whether or not he pulls. Before your Chad reflex kicks in, think about it: isn't it a little odd to let the girls decide who's cool?

Traditional sexual morality was not about being a 'square' who thinks sex is a Sin. Rather, it was a countermeasure against the fact that women can use sex to control men. Hook-up culture puts hot women on a pedestal, greatly exaggerates their value, and gives them undue sway in society. Go to a modern American college (which are now around 60% women) and tell me girls aren't running shit. As a man, do you really want to be jumping around to Taylor Swift at a house party trying to spit game at a girl who has 50-75 other options that night? That's weak, period.

I often like to quote Tupac, since he was a RP philosopher who came from the hood where TRP examples were more blatant/brutal. Tupac, who got a freakish amount of pussy, nonetheless had this to say in 1993:

"“Niggas needs to stop giving these bitches all the attention, that’s why niggas is dying now. When hoes get horny, niggas die. Hoes get horny, niggas die. Watch – every time! Every funeral you go to, it’s a bitch that was horny the night before. So you need to start checking these bitches and keep your dick [in your pants.]”

2. It decreases the birth-rate and the formation of traditional families

Roosh made a good point, that goes something like this:

What's the end result of abortion? Less babies

What's the end result of birth control? Less babies

What's the end result of women's lib (women pursuing careers over family)? Less babies

I'd also add that viewing sex as mainly a pleasure-source leads to watching lots of porn and masturbating.

Are you aware that US birth rates have been in free-fall since the end of the 1950s? Are you also aware that Bill Gates, Obama's science czar John Holdren, Ted Turner, Prince Phillip and countless other elites have expressed a desire to reduce the West's population? Even if you think this is a 'conspiracy theory' (it's not), realize that the birth rate has been declining throughout the whole period of 'sexual liberation.'

3. It allows women to further control men with false-rape accusations and weaponized sexual assault statistics

As the gatekeepers of sex, women get to decide what is and isn't rape. As many of you know, the captain of Yale's basketball team was recently expelled for allegedly sexually assaulting a girl the fourth time they slept together! What's even more ridiculous is that the alleged sexual assault occurred during their second sexual encounter of the day. And the administration expelled him without a second thought - this shows you're not safe even if you are in the top 1%.

Hook up culture opens us up to these kinds of ridiculous attacks. Again, we're putting ourselves in a weak position.

4. It makes men needy and hurts their Game.

I've always thought that TRP will end in a reversion to traditional sexual morality because much of the advice we give here is already half-way there.

"Outcome independence" - Why not actually become outcome independent by placing no emphasis on hooking up? Women are blown away when you truly don't give a fuck - it neutralizes their main power source.

"Stoicism" - Why not actually become stoic by placing less emphasis on the highs associated with alcohol and random sex?

"Personal Development" - Why not take all the time you spend at bars, hungover, texting Tinder girls, managing Plate drama, and reading pick up tips and put it into activities that actually develop you as a man? Don't you realize that men who are at the top of their field or who develop significant talents don't even have to try to attract women?

The guy who is fully concentrated on his own lane (building a business or skill set, pursuing a creative outlet, dominating school, etc.) and truly doesn't care about hooking up actually spits the best game. Women can't touch him because he's already complete as is. These type of guys then get the best of both worlds and can attract women with their natural confidence/accomplishments without wasting much time in doing so.

The Big Picture

Men from the WW2 generation would laugh at the state of modern men. Obviously there were womanizers back then and sex happening behind the scenes, but this kind of institutionalized "hook up culture" which really results in the pedestalization of women, women controlling men with the power to either confer or take away status, declining birth rates, and the decimation of the traditional family is pathetic.

Again, even if you are skeptical of 'conspiracy theories,' it's undeniable that the net effect of sexual liberation/hook-up culture is to weaken men. We are two generations into effeminate, needy betas who cannot see the bigger picture.

If you really want to know, this was done on purpose. The intelligence services pop up everywhere when you research the 1960s and sexual revolution, and the elite openly write about the need to prepare the West for a "non-work world" that is mostly automated. But I digress.

How Should TRP Man Approach Dating and Sex Then?

Emphasize LTRs over hooking up. There is nothing immoral about hooking up - we don't need to appeal to Jesus to make rational decisions that our in our best interest. And keep in mind: you can still get laid a lot if you are a "serial monogamist." I'm not saying you shouldn't try to date hot women and fuck them to your heart's content. But doing so in the context of a relationship is actually the most Alpha approach and greatly improves your Frame.