Today I removed almost every post from the front page. I'm going to camp out on the /new/ tab for a while and continue pruning until I'm happy.

Do not post low quality or low effort posts. If your lesson doesn't exist or doesn't bring something new or interesting to the table, it doesn't belong here.

I wanted to post a few examples of what I removed: - Words are losing meaning, like Honor, Obedience, Respect, and Dignity. Ok, it's a good start. Where's the cause of it? Who is perpetuating the problem? What are the overarching social implications of these changes? How are they used to gain an upper hand on men? All of these details would have made a quality post. - Going against the feminine-primary grain will get you shamed in public. Why? What's the play? What's the advantage? Who does this benefit? Why is it used? What are the social implications? How are we to navigate this? What does our future hold? This post touches on a topic but never gets so far as ankle deep. - If your post is so devoid of any details and nobody would want to hear it in real life, nobody wants to read it on TRP.,, platitudes like "love yourself" and lists of generic advice are useless and very low effort.

With these, I've removed 4 "Thanks TRP" posts that should be on /r/thanktrp and provided absolutely no insight. (Many of them were simply "I feel better, maybe one day I'll get laid!")

I've removed at least 3 that were simply "I saw an example of what we talk about here on facebook/okcupid/etc, and here's literally just that and no anaylsis whatsoever!"

And then I removed about 10 more that deserve no discussion, they were just complete nonsense or fluff and added nothing.

I will continue deleting. Do not post unless you have something worth saying.

Do not ask the mod team why something was removed. If your item was removed, start reading the sidebar, and don't post again until you're done.