
Cities are where the Cock Carousel™ rages with it's greatest fury.

Cities are also the place where 80% of the men are beta.


Sex and the City... truly a work of art that defined the Cock Carousel™ and inspired millions of women to abandon the idea of family and race towards the most concentrated cities with the optimism that they would actually get "Mr Big".

But we know better. We know that in reality the vast majority of women grind away their fertile years in the Cock Carousel™ with no real chance of being anything but a cum dumpster. After years of having their souls ruined and their emotional expression transformed into the thousand cock stare they seek an exit to their failure and grab the closest Beta Bucks they can and pretend to their female friends that they actually got what they always wanted. A few years later she tires of the deception and Divorce Rapes the Beta Bucks and transfers all blame of the deception on him:

"I believed my own bullshit that he was perfect. I've switched positions and now blame the imperfections on my Beta Bucks. I'm innocent your great family court judge please Divorce Rape him to the fullest extent of the law because the more outrageous the settlement the better it covers my deception and eases my guilt. It's very hard fucking over a Beta Bucks like that when they are like innocent children."

So that's how women understand the city, what about the men?

The men (boys) go in chasing after the pretty girls. They will do anything they can to get one. There are tons of girls... he thinks:

"This is a utopia."

But there is a problem and it's name is Hypergamy.

When men are concentrated together it amplifies the Hypergamy instincts in women because they see an abundance of options. Women are chasing after "Mr Big" and have no interest in the guy of low social rank.

So what does the boy do?

He surrenders his Freedom (what little if any he had) and becomes an innocent wage slave. He figures if he can just "catch up" to the Alpha men then he can stimulate the Hypergamy of women and get them to desire Access to him. He wants to be important.

Now the guy is on his own treadmill... the Rat Race.

Who is at the top?

Who are these top 20% of guys that actually enjoy the city?

They are your prison guards. They are your managers. They are those who join into the upper levels that require secret oaths. They are the Red Pill aware that know what Game is. They are the Dark Luciferian, Dark Triad, Machiavellian types that actually comprehend the system.


For most men the city is a concentration camp designed to turn you into a beta wage slave.

The top 20% are all Red Pill aware and Machiavellian.

Most women will be exploited by the Cock Carousel™ and exit the concentration camp as damaged goods.

If you choose the city be wise of it's ways.

Agenda 21 seeks to concentrate everyone into cities.