From the panty sniffers over at the feminist run “good man project” we have, for your cuck of the week example,

What Women Need from Men Right Now

Because women have never demanded shit prior to now. So listen up you incels.

What’s interesting about this article, by noted word smith Anthony “Tony the Tiger” Simeone , is that he clearly thinks that women are children. They cannot provide for themselves, and are weak little pathetic immature babies needing a big neck-bearded daddy To help them. Help them succeed. And he's the man to do it.

To help Tony's shitty writing, I won't leave the article link, but I did remove all the advertising. No sense confusing the article with ads for estrogen supplements or whatever.

Unlike Tony-boy, I think women are strong enough to solve their own problems, however they have no idea how to do so, because their lives are about feeling, not doing. Offer a woman a solution and she’ll cry and pout because ‘I just want you to listen’. Listen to the sound of me doing your mom the other day Tony? Is that shit tight or what?

To put it mildly, things are shifting in the male and female realms these days. To be more exact, there are titanic, necessary, and long-overdue changes taking place.

Disagree. Things are shifting, but that doesn’t mean they’re shifting in a good way. Is Trump getting elected shifting good for you? I would assume, being a cuck, that no, you don’t think so. So why do you think a bunch of inexperienced women who have no idea what they’re doing will make things better? Because recently we’ve seen social experiments at the infrastructure and governmental level completely go wrong when “empowered” women are put in charge.

But hey, growing pains right? Your’e dealing with people who are intellectually rational about 2 days of the month. And bleed out like a slaughter house for 5 days, and then have a couple weeks of moping, and a couple weeks of feeling bloated. You can’t expect them to get it right out of the gate. But please keep treating them like children that need daddy to hold their hand. You sexist.

Some of my fellow males are feeling nervous or confused. I’m going to attempt to alleviate your concerns, and perhaps clear up some misconceptions along the way.

No, they think it’s stupid. You're saying they're nervous and confused. Unlike you they're being rational. Leave the door open in meetings, use video recorders when working alone with women. Tough shit ladies, if you lie about rape claims, then video evidence will prove it. Tough shit if you don't like it.

It’s taken me a little time and conversations with, you know, actual women, to get a better understanding of what women are trying to accomplish with the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements.

Then you sorely lack self-awareness or political knowledge. Perhaps a study of history instead of burying your head up your ass worshipping feminism? This is all about money moron.

Quick question, are you currently locked in a chastity device? Drool twice around the ball gag if you need help.

Despite my desire to learn and understand, I’m sure I’m still not getting things exactly right. But I’m working on it. I’m also hoping women will comment on this article to set me straight on the finer points!

Low confidence. Have you checked your T levels lately? Maybe too much soy in your $6 coffee? Is your transitioning team monitoring your hormone levels? You know the best part of taking hormones is when the breasts start to come in.

If you need women to comment on your shit piece, maybe you should have asked the feminists you work with to explain to you the complexities of a hash tag. It's almost like the feminist run good men project isn't for men, but for women. Interesting.

But that’s ok you’re a writer, clearly you know a lot about women and men.

Now, I’m trying to help other men by writing about the realizations I’ve had since having some more in-depth conversations with women about what’s going on.

You mean propaganda and lies?

It hasn’t been an easy process, developing this understanding.

What’s to understand? Women hate men, so they’re lashing out. It’s not a science that requires a field of study. Were you really so stupid you couldn’t figure out what #MeToo meant when it came to sexual harassment? God you really must suck a lot of dicks. Wikipedia could have given you the whole run down if you weren’t cramming so much cock in there. Women want to fuck powerful men, and get paid on the front end and back end. That's it.

After all, I’m a male raised in the United States. In other words, it’s not second nature for me to put myself in the mindset of a woman. In my family, the phrase “don’t be a girl” was about as ubiquitous as saying “hello.”

I wasn’t raised in the United States, so I guess i didn’t get all the estrogen laced processed food you did. So my mind works a bit clearer of stupidity. I guess I missed feminist indoctrination 101.

A quick disclaimer: I use the word “need,” but that doesn’t mean women can’t accomplish their goals without men. What I mean when I use the word “need” is to say “women would really appreciate it if we stepped back and stopped trying to make it about men in any way, shape, or form.”

Are you sure you’re male? All you do in your articles is sit around for 50% apologizing about either being a man, or being stupid. Just go into a female led relationship you guys like. Bonus, you get free semen in her panties when she comes home. Or you’re clarifying basic terms. I hope you aren’t paying student loans for whatever degree you have, assuming you have one. Your writing immediately drives people off. Not to mention the chubby neckbeard platform you’re rocking. Maybe you should do some pushups?

Not trying to “man shame you”, but seriously, sort your life out. You’ll feel better.

Let me put it this way: guys, this isn’t about us. It’s about women.

It certainly is about women, at least you had a useful sentence for once.

It’s their time to step into the spotlight. Women don’t need us to succeed in this righteous cause, but ceding the world stage to them in a gracious manner would make their job a lot easier, as they make this latest push for equality and justice.

Then why are you writing an article about how daddy needs to help these poor children? Sounds like you don’t trust them and their religious cult to succeed. If they need my help to succeed, they aren’t functional adults. And you LARPing as a man in your GoodTrannyProject or whatever hormone replacement therapy website this is, isn’t going to help much. Have you looked into how writing works?

Since you need permission and advice from women for everything, why don’t you ask one of your mistresses to edit your work so you don’t sound so fucking pathetic? If you wanted to really help women, and explain it to men, you’d have to be a man to begin with to “lead” them. I could do a better job than you. No one is going to look up to you simpering and prostrating yourself in front of a woman’s high heels. Keep that shit in the bedroom. Soft, fruity language convinces nothing. I should get a job there, and show you how to stay on message with the "active voice".

With that clarification out of the way, here are two major things women need from us right now.

I thought it was their time to shine? Oh right. They’re children that need a man to save them. So basically just like the last 10,000 years of recorded history?

Women Need You to Have Empathy

Well it isn’t like they have any. Empathy is a male trait. Did they not teach you that in gender studies? Or do you still believe women possess empathy?

Let me help you out, because I doubt your feminist overseers have let you know this. Empathy is different in men and women. Men use empathy for compassion. Helping people out. Women use empathy for manipulation. Now that’s a “loaded” word, but it isn’t, it’s just a word. Women use empathy to understand emotions to manipulate people, men use it to help people. Compassion vs. manipulation. Do you understand? Drool twice.

Women are pissed. They’ve had enough.

Feminists are pissed. Women in large numbers reject feminism, and are very upset that feminist man hating ideology has fucked them over. Men are rejecting them more and more and letting them see what equality is really like. Feminists, being sociopaths, are upset that their power is waning because, just like your article states, women can’t do shit without men’s help.

Why shouldn’t they feel this way? They’ve been abused by men for ages.

Or put on a pedestal, it’s hard to tell. I guess when you’re privileged equality looks like oppression to women. It’s only been decades in the U.S. since equality, but no, it must still be oppression. I won’t bother listing all the ways women are superior in society, both culturally and legally, because you won’t listen, but name one right men have that women don’t. I’ll wait. You won’t, because you don’t care because you’re a SJW, and reality doesn’t work on the weak minded.

To phrase this in a way nerds can understand. You would be an excellent candidate for “These are not the droids you’re looking for”

There’s a time and place in life for all emotions. No emotions are “bad.” They all serve a purpose. It’s only the fixation on one emotion over long periods of time that makes it toxic (i.e., too much of anything is bad for you).

Like slurping other men's semen?

They serve a purpose unless you want to do anything. If you’re at home watching a movie, cry all you want. If you’re being pegged with the 4 gauge dildo, you can cry and beg and try to remember your safe word. If you’re actually doing things, you cannot just collapse and cry like a toddler.

Emotions have to be metered to the environment. Being emotional doesn’t “help” anything. It barely helps the individual, and absolutely doesn’t the group. Groups need to get things done, and the weakest link, ie, the bitch crying, is not going to help. You get through it and cry into your beer. Since you’ve obviously never had to do anything important, or where people need to rely on your being on 10, then you wouldn’t understand. You write soft soy boy shit. That’s why you crying all day doesn’t matter. But you try being emotional. Heck act like a woman, see how many articles you produce. Eventually your employers will fire you. Why? Because it does not help anyone including you. Cry baby on your own time.

Anger, as a character in the novel American Gods says, gets shit done. Outbursts of righteous rage, over the centuries, have been the catalyst for change. Anger has fueled countless revolutions and spurred on much-needed societal growth. But this anger, like all healthy emotional states, will not last forever. However, until it abates, it’s not the time to try and “calm women down.” Men, step back and let them rage.

You seem awfully angry. Perhaps you need a spanking? I’ll let you cry. I always let them cry.

You will later be yelling at MGTOW for some reason, which I can only blame on me. MGTOW doesn’t give a shit about women, that’s a you problem. Your money, your soy. Let me know how many women you’ve helped.

You’re also confusing angry, with apathy. We do not care. We’re neither in women’s way, nor do we give a shit if they succeed. More power to them. We will, however, mock their failures. You can go cry about their failures in your “I drink male tears” empathy mug.

Women could sure use our empathy right now. This means we need to stop worrying “what about me?” Women need us to put ourselves in their shoes, to really think about what it’s like to be a woman.

Talk to the MRAs. At least they have justifiable legal issues they complain about. You know, ones you can prove, rather than relying on lying and emotions for manipulation.

Guys, when you walk down the street at night, do you fear for your safety? And I’m not talking about walking through a “bad” neighborhood. I’m talking about well-lit, well-traveled parts of a city.

Yes. Shows how much you know about men faggot.

No? Women do, most of the time. We don’t have to deal with that feeling every time we take a walk alone.

Well feminists have continued that narrative to terrify women against men, so they have donations and money and power. Feminists don’t give a shit about women. They usually look down on them for not being feminists and being retarded children who aren’t “woke”. I bet these girls don’t even know all sex is rape?

When you tell women all men are rapists, then sure, they’ll be scared on a sunny day with the lights on. It just goes to show that if women are like this, then they are fearful children who lack intelligence and maturity.

“Male privilege” doesn’t have anything to do with getting more of something.

Well it is used in their racist religious hate cult against men. But keep telling yourself that. I notice you’re being awfully defensive of feminist crap. Have anything to say about how #KillAllMen really mean they care about men’s suicide rates? Of course not.

It has everything to do with what we DON’T get compared to women.

You feminists sure do like to redefine terms when your lies are called out. Next you’ll say daylight savings time is rape.

As men, we don’t get nervous when walking alone at night (again, in a safe neighborhood). We don’t have to worry that someone will give us unwanted attention, or threaten us, or expose themselves to us.

I bet you do neckbeard. I bet you're nervous you won’t make it from McDonalds to McDonalds without a bag of Doritos to tie you over. Have you invested in razor technology? I hear you can use Big Mac grease as shaving cream.

Women don’t think all men are monsters out to abuse them. But for the sake of caution, they have to assume all men on the street are a threat until proven otherwise.

Feminists do, which is why they’re mocked. Women, MGTOW is apathetic too, except to mock when they fuck up. You just think we hate women, which we don’t. What we do is pull them off the pedestal and treat them as human beings, something feminists don’t do. We understand women, not worship them. And that’s what makes your little mistresses upset. We’re more feminist than they are. We just point out when they fuck up royally, and you just can’t handle it, because you worship women. You have them high up on a pedestal hoping they’ll leak some semen down their thighs for you to lick up.

You do know they don’t respect you right? Your’e being manipulated. At least I’m telling you reality and truth. I know its painful to hear. But men can handle it. Women of course, are incapable of facing reality. That’s all we do, is force them to see reality. They just start crying when reality shows up.

I also don’t want anyone to think I believe women can’t defend themselves. They know how to kick ass. They don’t need us to be their saviors. So men, stop talking and really listen. Hear what women are saying, have empathy, and get out of the way. They are getting shit done.

They know how to kick ass in movies, otherwise, they’re pretty much weak animals. If they were all those things, why are they so abused? Either they can kick ass, or they’re abused victims. Which is it?

Your entire article is about men supporting women because they cannot do anything right or on their own. So make up your fucking mind. Whoever taught you how to write or even maintain a thread of discussion you need to call and get your money back. You have never, in all your articles, ever managed to stay on a salient point or topic. You’re a mess, all over the place. Are you sure you’re not a woman “tony”?

Women Need You to Calm Down

When you say that to a taco, she gets all upset. I thought emotion was good. So I guess you’re a sexist piece of shit lying faggot when you say emotions are good. Say “calm down” to a woman. Good luck with that. Women never calm down. Flip all the genders in your article and look how retarded what you said sounds.

As I said, this isn’t about us, guys.

Yeah it isn’t, why do you keep repeating yourself? Why do you keep repeating yourself? Do they not take the butt plug out unless you reach a certain word count?

Some men feel unsettled right now. Good. That’s what change feels like. It’s uncomfortable. That’s a part of life. We need to get used to the feeling. Not because women are “out to get us,” but because men have been too complacent in general.

You should encourage them to go MGTOW, it’s extremely relaxing. You can shit on feminists all day long, have a bank account flush with cash, no debt, and enjoy doing real shit without some harpy squealing all day long. But no, you’re too deep in the panty worshipping. Come join the winning team. You're chasing a dying cult.

Women would really appreciate it if you’d calm down. It would make things less aggravating for them. Trying to steer the conversation back to men is pretty selfish, isn’t it?

I’ve told women I’d appreciate it if they’d calm down. They don’t calm down. You think your shaming language will work on men you man-hating faggot? Of course not. You just hate men and want revenge. I’ll assume you’re a product of a single mother, or had a simp father. Which was it?

Women don’t think we’re unworthy of consideration. They just want us to acknowledge that men have driven the conversation for a long time. Women want a turn behind the wheel. Is that so hard to understand? I don’t think so.

Feminists do. And they preach it all day long. Then they get some fag to type up and article attempting to pretend #KillAllMen and #IDrinkMensTears aren’t a thing. You’re part of a hate group son. Now do some pushups and stop eating so much cake you fat fuck.

You’re a bottom aren’t you?

Stop thinking that women are going to try and turn the tables on us and take revenge for eons of male domination and oppression. That’s not what they want. They want equality, not a post-male apocalypse where they drag us around on leashes.

Why? That’s literally what they say. At the academic level even. They want supremacy. They already have equality. Name one right you have that they don’t. You won’t, because you’re a liar. You’re a shitty writer, and a liar to boot. Admit you have no privilege over them. Then wonder they they keep demanding more and more based on “emotion” like “I can’t walk down the street” and other lies by these “kick ass” feminists. One of us is lying. I’m guessing you and your faggot feminists.

Modern culture is rife with conspiracy theories, a human propensity that kicked into overdrive in the 1990s with the birth of the Internet. Let’s use some common sense: women are not trying to initiate a “gender war.” They aren’t going to form a totalitarian matriarchal regime and start putting men in internment camps. They’re not going to replace us with robots…well, at least not yet.

But that’s what they want. Just like the Jesus crispy trad cons want a theocracy. You should vote for all republicans. They won’t take away abortion rights will they? Do you wear a tinfoil condom? Oh right. You’re still locked in chastity. Pull your pud twice if you need help.

Women Want Their Rightful Humanity

“Rightful” What does that mean? Rights come with responsibilities. Feminists and women absolutely are opposed to two things, accountability and responsibility. You will never, ever, find women admit they’re personally responsible for anything. Just like you’re doing. They have no choice but to blame men for everything, because they’re pathetic and weak. And you know it don’t you. Deep down where you’re not allowed to express it.

Women simply want their rightful place at the human table. They want the dignity that is the birthright of sentient beings. This is the quest they’ve been on for far-too-long. It’s only natural they’re tired of the struggle, and they are angry about it.

Rights come with responsibilities, so they’ll be ignored until they take responsibilities. Step one. Feminists should immediately and violently come out about false rape accusations and demand laws prosecuting them, rather than saying, “Innocent men can benefit from false rape accusations” but they won’t, because they hate men.

Instead of worrying about the implications of #MeToo and #TimesUp for men, let’s keep the focus on the real message: the implications for women. Women stand to gain the respect they deserve. This doesn’t have to come at any expense to men.

We’re not worried about it, we solved it. We ignore women and don’t care about their made up problems. If they want to fuck men for money and power, then lawyer up for a payoff or they’ll claim rape, then do it anyway 20 years later, that’s a them problem. They’re whores, they’re just mad they’re being called whores.

If feminism wanted to be taken seriously, they’d call out their abusers. But they don’t Know why? They hate men.

So guys, stop worrying about what we might “lose” at this moment in time. In reality, another historic victory for women’s rights is a massive win for all human beings.

I’m not losing shit, I’m gaining from this. By avoiding women, and, more importantly, firing SJWs at my previous jobs when I got the opportunity to do so with glee, I’ve never had a problem. I’ve become wealthy, and a lot of that wealth was firing feminists, SJWs, and other “problem” employees. It was all nice and legal too.


To all the women reading this, I hope I’m not too far off the mark!

Slurp those panties for women’s validation! Your fat neck and beard won’t be worth shit if a woman doesn’t validate you ! Please mistress can I take the butt plug out now?!?!?!

I’m looking forward to any corrective comments! And to all the MGTOWs who might be reading, I can’t wait for all the comments calling me a “cuck-simp-mangina.” As a certified word nerd, I love the adorable little language you’ve created! Because, you know, supporting women’s rights is a “bad thing,” right?

Somehow I think you mean me, but maybe not. I Know i’ve fucked your articles with responses before, which I hope you’ve read. You really inspire us and, we’ve made you an example of what a full blown cuck-simp-magina is. Fully licking the used panties of feminism to slurp that crusty, precious semen of the last man she fucked. But at least you get that right?

I find it interesting you said MGTOW, and not MRA. MRAs care about all that legal shit and all, MGTOW just is apathetic and mocks stupidity. No anger here. I think you’re projecting.

Tell your chick I said “hi”, and I’ll let you taste my cum this weekend. It’ll ferment her in a bit. Tell her to give me a call next time she needs a man.