
What is the process that a woman uses to make an otherwise masculine male turn into a weak beta over the course of a long relationship?

In short she uses the same technique the Blue Pill uses to create the illusion of "progress":

Problem -> Reaction -> Solution.



Okay let's imagine the typical Shit Test. Your wife, Plate or LTR brings up a Problem which may be calculated by her or it might be real. She then loads up the emotion and really increases the pressure on you which forces you to the next stage which is Reaction. She is soooooo close to getting her way right now. You are stressed and trying to hold Frame while she is maximizing her unpleasantness as she hopes you jump to her Solution.

Here is where you actually have control...

What she wants is a permanent Solution to her dialectic trick.

How do you fight this?

The first question must be:

"Must this Solution be arrived at now?"

...if there is no compelling reason for a quick answer you simply react by saying:

"Hmmmmm, that's a serious issue, let me think about that."

You then spend the time necessary to think about the long term consequences of this Problem and later come back with the Solution that actually makes sense. You eliminate the Reaction phase.

If there is a time urgency that gives you no option to think about the Problem (not related to her unpleasantness, but something actually needs to happen now for it's own objective reasons) then you make all Solutions temporary.

Never, never, never, turn a temporary Solution into a permanent Solution without thinking about the Problem.

This means you must do your homework on your own life. You must expend the energy to arrive at the just Solution that fits within the masculine polarity rules that define your relationship. If you do not think about what happened and just let it slide then the next time the same problem comes up she will expect a similiar outcome. In her mind she will have achieved "progress" as you actually become beta.



The Shit Test can function as a tool by a woman to create "progress" which is the slow death of a masculine male.

Truth is eternal but complex... stay complex... stay masculine.