
Masculinity is rooted in the separation from the herd mind.

Waking up is a masculine activity. (to become still, awake, stoic, aware)

Women do not wake up but instead go to sleep on the Hamster Wheel.


Do you ever remember your dreams at night?

Dreams tell you a lot about yourself because the wisdom you have in the day is reflected in your dreams at night.

The Blue Pill is an emotional indoctrination process where Dreams are inserted into your subconscious mind as part of the Game of training you to be a good beta slave.

If you can recognize the "trick" the Dream represents in your mind and "call it out" even in deep sleep then you are awakening within your own Dream Matrix.

So what is Masculinity?

At it's very root it is a separation from the herd mind, the Blue Pill conditioning, that you are constantly being exposed to. MGTOW. Men Going There Own Way at root is about separation from the herd mind.

This has always been true.

Rulers have been emotionally indoctrinating people into slavery using violent intimidation since the beginning of time. Fear is the "old school" way of maintaining control over the masses.

The modern Blue Pill is highly sophisticated and taps deeply into your subconscious mind without the use of violence. It's like in Brave New World where they program you at night while you sleep because those images you see on television "get you" when your defenses are down in your sleep. It's war during peacetime, information war, psychological war on your subconscious.

Masculine polarity really means that even in your sleep you are resisting the emotional indoctrination of the Blue Pill. (as well as other influences)


Women do not resist sleep, but instead amplify sleep by spinning their Hamster Wheel in it. (I said little about this because it's obvious)

Men are being pushed down, dumbed down, by the herd mind Blue Pill conditioning to accept their programming, but the masculine mind separates himself and rejects this tyranny and makes himself "free" by waking up.

Masculinity, separation, waking up, Red Pill, are all different names which describe the same basic thing.

We are "enlightened", we see the light, are awake, stoic, not passively dreaming the collective herd mind dreams.

Freedom is waking up.