I recently made it a habit to start noticing men’s bodies. I don’t normally pay any attention to this, but as part of my own efforts at fitness I made it a point to observe which men I thought that women would find attractive, and which men women would not find attractive.

Try doing this for a week. Make a point of looking at guys bodies and thinking and think about whether or not if you were him, you would be confident a girl would want you.

What you’ll notice is that the vast majority of men are absolutely disgusting. I look at my own coworkers and only about 1 out of 10 men has his body together. The have allowed themselves to decay into flabby, lumpy messes with no definition, no muscle tone, nothing “manly” about their figure. Even the ones who manage to stay thin past 40 start sagging and drooping.

Do you think the wives of these guys get excited at the thought of fucking their husbands? The single ones, do you think they’re able to pull women who are aroused at the thought of getting their clothes off? Not a chance. If you have a shitty body, a girl’s interest in you is going to be as a BB. If you have a big round waist but skinny little arms and legs girls are not going to want to suck your dick or fuck you.

It's something of a scary thought, to imagine becoming such a man with such a body and knowing that most girls would gag at the thought of seeing me naked. But that's what happens to most men, if they don't keep fit.

If you’re a young guy, it’s easy not to think about this. If you’re a young guy it’s easy to think of old men as somehow inherently different than you, you don’t really think about aging much, you don’t really imagine yourself as them. But try to think about it, that in a few years you’re going to start getting old and you might look like one of these flabby, pathetic losers that no girl would willingly want to fuck. "Dad bod" isn't a real thing. "Grandpa bod" infinitely less so.

You might be naturally fit in your youth, but nobody is naturally fit in old age. It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when. If you don’t take care of your health and your fitness, you will gradually transform into one of these old men that no woman would ever want to touch. And notice that that is most men. I know we on TRP say that women age like milk and men age like wine, but this is in reference to character - your body will still age like milk if you don't take care of it, and it's easy not to think about just how appallingly unattractive you can become over the age of 40 if you don't learn how to become and keep fit.

It’s possible to be old as a man and to still be hot. Think about what you want to look like by the time you hit 50 and start working on it now.