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If you haven't heard by now, Pokemon Go is quickly becoming a worldwide phenomenon. It's one of the first games in history that actually connects people socially in real space rather than digitally, so there's a lot of potential here for meeting women or just making new friends.

I have younger family who started playing it the moment it came out, and some of my younger friends and I went for a bar crawl the other night and EVERYONE was playing it, my friends and I included. Before long we were meeting women left, right, and center and the impact of this little game was not lost on me from a TRP perspective.

I strongly recommend installing the app and finding a Pokestop or 2 near a bar or some other venues you like. Drop a Lure and just hang out playing the game and enjoy yourself as people start to arrive. You're going to meet a TON of women, likely surrounded by very weak, young, nerdy guys, and approaching them is as easy as pie. All of the hard work, such as breaking the ice, is already done for you. All you have to do is show up and spit your favorite day game.

Lastly, holy shit the quantity and quality of women this game will put you into contact with is astounding. I was debating even posting this thread so I'd have them for myself and to keep this under the radar, but it's too good not to share. Plus the general social impact this game is having is unparalleled. Forget the mental picture you might have of the people who play this, because it's going to be wrong. More people installed this game 1 week than have installed Tinder in the entire 5 years it's existed! That's translating to men and women of all ages from kids to the elderly playing this on the regular. This isn't your standard pimply faced nerd game. Oh no, this is big, so big you'd be a fool not to leverage it to its full potential.

Gotta catch 'em all indeed! Just be sure to wrap it up so you don't, you know, actually catch 'em all.