For those who missed it

Some lady (really a copypasta, but that's not the point) posts an impassioned plea for help. Something of value I promised, and I'm here to deliver.

All the guys who immediately jumped on her story to help, haven't swallowed the pill yet. Have you not been paying attention? A woman telling a story will completely use the right combination of words to paint her as a saint/victim, and him as the perp/villan/abuser. I belive there's tons of breakdown in Vinkatesh Rao's 'the gervais principle' or Rollos posts on how women communicate. Thankfully, a lot of people were also using this as a platform to point out obvious red pill truths. Feminine polarity, men aren't happy, asking what shes done etc.

This troll sent one right over the plate, and too many of you swung and missed.

  • Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do
  • There was a link to Archwingers post. Men don't just become assholes out of the blue, it's because they aren't happy, and doing something about it.
  • Don't DEER (Defend, excuse, explain, rationalize) your decision to live RP. You're a man, you don't DEER your choices, you are your own judge, and you own the consequences of your actions.

I see this in all those Q/A posts I'm banning as well. Someone asks for your time, knowledge and help, and you give it away like it's free. No one values free shit. Spend your time how you wish, but consider the work someone has put into their situation, prior to asking for help. Two examples:

Some guy lifts, learning game, becoming social, has a specific issue, asks for help. Good

Some guy gets shit test, frame crumbles, asks obvious question 5 minutes of sidebar would answer. lazy

Can't be arsed to put any work into his situation, and you reward it by indulging his lazy sense of self importance? Value your time brothers, you worked hard for what you have... Why deny some poor bastard the pleasure of doing the same?

As for the specific example above? If a woman is in a bad situation for longer than a few months, it's of her own choosing. There is no better time for a woman to leave than today. It couldn't possibly be easier to separate herself from a low quality man, unless murder was legal, and carpet cleaners were free.

Even there, in the copypasta. She wasn't asking for a fix, she wanted to vent about how her husband was an asshole. Girls don't want solutions, they can solve this shit anyways. They want to vent, get sympathy, and a wring a few more endorphin's out of the situation. Don't be her beta orbiter, and don't forget:

There are no women on the internet

Also, if you don't value your time enough for this to make sense? Go do some hard shit, nothing like struggle to help you put your time and value into perspective.