This is a problem I see with about half of this sub. I'm going to be brutally honest with you, so hopefully you can be brutally honest with yourself. You're being a pussy.

If you're coming here to ask some other man how you should be acting, what you should be saying, what decisions you should be making, etc. Then you are in the wrong sub, the PUA community is where you should be. And there is nothing wrong with that. But this sub isn't meant for that type of stuff. It's showing men how to live by THEIR own rules, not the rules of someone else. I had a previous post about overcomplicating things and someone had said (and it received a couple of upvotes), You can not have an abundance mentality if you don't have a lot of women already and you can not be non-needy if you don't have access to pussy. That if you lack social skills you have to be to told the things to say and how to act in order to get women and only then can you improve your inner game once you fake your outter game. This is an excuse and it's WAY too common, and toxic type of thinking in far too many new men who come here.

The problem is they want to be told what to do. They don't want to put in the hard work in going through monk mode, approaching and getting rejected, being uncomfortable, getting drug through the mud to create their own experiences and learn for themselves. They want a step by step script on what to do. They don't want to make mistakes they don't want to be uncomfortable. They want to be safe they want to take the short cut. And hey if that's what you want to do that is fine and it may work for the time being. But it's only hurting you in the long run because you'll be depending on that type of stuff for a long time.

You can absolutely be non-needy if you don't have access to pussy. You can absolutely change your thinking too an abundance mentality even if you don't have any.

Do you think every guy who isn't extremely attractive who gets pussy has taken or learned pick up prior to getting pussy? Not at all. I have a friend who was over weight and was always the nice guy, social skills weren't that great and never got pussy. Guess what? He got fed up and said I'm done being the nice guy. I'm doing shit for myself. He changed his mentality, worked (hard) on himself and started not giving a fuck (aka non neediness). Now he gets tons of pussy. My better looking friends even say They don't get how he gets the women he does. No PUA, no canned bullshit. No step by step guide. Just change of thinking and a Idgaf attitude.

Half the reason guys find this sub in the first place is because they are fed up. They change their thinking or go monk mode and all of a sudden, boom. Pussy is coming.

The ones who actually swallowed TRP don't tell you to use bullshit canned lines here, we don't tell you work on your outter game first. That's the problem with a lot of new comers. This is what they want.

As Men we need to stop making excuses of why we can't do things for ourselves and stop following in the exact foot steps (and using words) of other men. That's why the PUA is so popular. It's a "shortcut" men don't want to think for themselves or create their own experience through failures, they want some other guy who has the success tell them exactly what to do. You think cave men and your ancestors had a step by step guide on how to do this shit? No they learned for themselves and the ones who made excuses and wanted to be babied died off.

Learning off others is fine if it's done in principles not when it's done by telling you what exactly to say or how to act for everything particular situation.

If you want to swallow the red pill and become the man you were meant to be. This is the right place to be. Just know it's going to fucking suck at first. It's going to take work, you're going to be uncomfortable. You're going to want to go back to feeling "safe" but that isn't going to help you in the long run and will never get you where you want to be. You need to want this more than anything and you need to stop making lame excuses to why you can't do things. You need to stop following other men's exact way of doing things and using their words. Take their advice and put it to the test in your own way.

They were just like you at one point only they said fuck this. Stopped making excuses and started living for themselves.

For years of being a drug addict I had never been able to get clean. It was because I didn't want to be uncomfortable. I didn't want to put in the hard work of making my life better without drugs. I didn't want to think for myself. I was running from fear. And made excuses for years. Getting clean was and still is one of the hardest things I ever have done but now that I am on the other side of it. I realize all along everything I thought during my active addiction was just an excuse to why I couldn't get sober. I wanted an easy way out, It was so much easier to take a drug to feel normal (that was ruining my life and making me unable to function) than it was to deal with life and all the bullshit that comes with it. Now I couldn't be happier I'm sober. I stopped making excuses and did whatever the fuck I have to do to stay clean and I grow everyday from it. To gain the confidence I wanted that I'd get from the drug, I had to go out there and throw myself to the dogs and approach. I had to face my fears head on. And now I'm comfortable doing all that stuff.

You saying you don't have social skills is why you can't get women is like me saying. I'm an addict and that's why I can never get clean. It's an excuse. Stop being a pussy. Stop saying you can't approach because you don't know what to say. Stop asking other guys what you should be saying. Stop making those excuses and start doing.

I'm not saying don't take advice from other men, I'm in not saying don't gain knowledge and work smarter. I'm saying put in the WORK, take what you learn and do it for yourself. Stop tip toeing through life afraid to do things for yourself or making mistakes.

TL;DR You're probably making excuses and want to be told exactly what to do, instead of finding out for yourself. You don't want to put in the hard work and are afraid of failure. That's why you aren't making the progress you want.