When I was given the mandate of Chief Bro Scientist, RedPillSchool was forthcoming about a serious issue facing the community. The Red Pill is excellent at transforming docile college age men into angry fanatics. That's good. However, for an extreme ideology to truly shine it needs more than zeal. It needs strength. As Red Pill's Chief Bro Scientist my job is to transform the average Reddit nerd from 160 pounds at just under 6ft into 185 pounds of hatred.

This is achieved through three distinct mechanisms. The first is propagating the myth that women are attracted to muscular men. The truth is women love kind men with gentle eyes who prance softly and have Bieber bodies. The second is to provide simple easy to follow fitness and nutrition advice. The third and most important, is to create a cult like atmosphere of obedience by instilling irrational fear.

The Red Pill has existed for three years which means most of the fitness fundamentals have already been covered. At the same time we have an influx of 100 people per day, many of whom still need the fundamentals. Thus in order to fulfill my mission of bioengineering a race of Ultra Alphas, I Red Pill Superstar GaylubeOil have created a guide that will help novice and advanced lifters alike prepare for the upcoming struggle.

Don't Surround Yourself With Losers: Man is easily influenced by his surroundings because at his core, he is a social animal. Prisons are notorious for transforming low level offenders into hardened criminals. Parents fight to send their children to good schools so they don't adopt the prole mindset. In fact the entire field of social psychology is built on the idea that individuals naturally conform to the people around them. Ultramasculine Red Pill alphas are not exempt from this basic principle of psychology. A loser gym filled with casuals intermittently scrolling through Instagram, will reduce your intensity to the ambient norm, especially if you are a novice. Do yourself a huge favor and workout at a hardcore gym, preferably one that has chalk and plays ACDC. A gritty dungeon gym will improve your training methodology, strengthen your work ethic, and serve as a welcome masculine oasis from the cucks at the office. If you surrounded yourself with losers don't expect to one day become a winner.

  • Supermarket Hypergamy: The major supermarket chains in the United States are beta as fuck. The produce is overpriced and flavorless. The meat and poultry has been injected with more hormones then my friends at Golds Gym. The bread and dairy suck more dick than your ex post breakup. There is no reason to be with a beta supermarket when there are plenty of Alpha supermarkets ready for you to come inside.

In general supermarkets who's customers are ethnic immigrants have cheaper fresher produce. Unlike Americans, ethnics know good produce and aren't retarded enough to pay $3 a pound for apples. By branch swinging, you will consume more fiber and micronutrients which will rapidly improve your lifts and physique. A word of caution; ethnics can be pushy. Old Chinese women will not hesitate to push in front of you, like they do on the freeway. Be prepared when entering their territory

  • Be Ready To Suffer: By definition an impressive body is one that most people can't achieve. Which is to say, an impressive body is one most people are unwilling to suffer for. Plenty of people go to the gym to bench and curl. Those exercises are fun. But when was the last time you saw someone lunge, do weighted dips or burn out quads with sets of fifty? Most people think of gyms as adult playgrounds. They are there to have fun, talk and flash their workout gear. They are trapped in a state of indefinite childhood, where results matter less than happy feels. These people live like children and more often then not eat like unattended children at a birthday party. Separate yourself from the herd. Push yourself, focus on the task and understand that you will have to endure discomfort to achieve anything meaningful regardless of what your goals ultimately are.

In conclusion, the Red Pill needs you to be healthy, fit, and strong. Surround yourself with winners. Don't let Albertsons put their tumor meat in your mouth. Be ready to suffer to achieve your goals. Listen to the Red Pill. Love the Red Pill. Obey the Red Pill. Otherwise you will spend your life raising other men's children and being used for beta bucks. The choice is simple. Be Alpha.

Rebel against Globalism and the forces of Blue Pill indoctrination in your symbolic Samson Swag

For even more misogyny follow GaylubeOil on Twitter.