If you're an American male, you've heard it all concerning college:

"Best 4 years of your life".

"There is a time and place for everything, and it is college".

"You will never be around so many single and available women ever in your life".

Everybody tells it to you: parents, media, your friends, the internet, and heck even masculine communities to an extent.

College is the NEW COOL in American culture.

For those of you that are not too familiar with modern day American culture, in the USA we drink, party, and engage in all of the crazy hedonistic acts in high school and college. All of the stuff we talk about on TRP (spinning plates, getting laid, and fun experiences)? All that that stuff is mostly restricted to your college years at the latest. After that, it is time to "grow up" and time to "be an adult". Time to stop partying, stop sleeping around, and stop trying to get laid. Now it is time to "settle down" and start a family, get that mortgage, have those kids, and be an "adult".

You should have gotten all of the fucking, drinking, partying, social life, and fun out of your system in college. Now after college, it is time to "slow down" and "be an adult". You see it almost everywhere whether it is Hollywood movies shoving college and Greek Life down your throat or countless internet blogs claiming how life will never be as good as college.

College is magical, college is great, college is everything, and after college it all ends. After college, you are supposed to take a soul crushing job, marry, have that nagging wife, and father those kids who cry all the time. I cannot think of any experience in American culture, outside of the high school experience maybe, that is as promoted as the college experience. In regards to hot sex, social life, and exciting experiences; college has a monopoly on all of that in media.

College is THE time to get laid, because it will never be as good after graduation.

College is THE time to make friends, because you won't make any after graduation.

College is THE time to have a social life, because it is impossible after graduation.

College is THE time to party and have fun, because life after graduation is boring.

And it is so toxic to young men.

I wonder why parents act so shocked when their kid does something very wild and troubling in college, weren't the parents and society the one telling the kid that after 4 years of college you're pretty much dead?

Not only that, it makes young guys say "fuck it". I mean what's the point? What's the point of working so hard and raising your value when nothing you do at 30 can rival the experiences you will have in college? What's the point of building that awesome life when all of the fun practically ends after college? What's the point if you're just going to be lonely for the most part? What's the point of becoming a millionaire at 30 when you can have just as much if not more fun by being in a top frat house in university?

Why work so hard to make yourself appealing to women when you will never be around as many single hot and available women after college?

Why work so hard to have a social life after college when it will never rival the one you had in college?

Why bother with partying and having fun socially when it will always pale in comparison to college?

Why bother?

You hear it every time, in regards to social life and sex, everything after college is a consolation prize. No matter what you do, the Chad in college who joined the right frat and took up an easy business major would have had a college experience full of sex, social life, friends, and parties that you cannot possibly rival after college.

Life after college is always shown as boring in many ways. Yes, you can be that nerdy quiet author in a small midwest town but you will never be that wild high SMV Chad having fun life experiences. You will be an "adult" and it is going to be serious and stressful, never as fun as it was in college. Get used to being lonely and all by yourself because you missed the boat in college.

Young men simply have noting to look forward to in regards to social life, women, and fun experiences after college. So the same young men settle down at 21 because what's the point right? You already had all the fun from the ages of 18-20 that you could have possibly had and nothing will ever rival that as you get older.

You see, that is how media and society get you in regards to college, beware young men!