TL/DR: a post to bring insight to game, to use a different approach and explain theory.

Game. A word we hear so often. But, what is it. It isn't tangible, but rather, it's a thought process, so many men here get so confused about its meaning and use.

Why do we use game?

I want you to picture two worlds for a moment. If we think of everyone as having a circle they occupy, it will help us to see the logical layout.

Picture a Venn diagram. Two circles, each overlapping. Think of each person having their own circle, and it connects or overlaps with a central circle. The central circle, is the world.

Game is what takes place where the two circles overlap. The large circle, the world, is seen (from my point of view) as everything outside my mind. My thoughts, my reality, my everything... is contained within my circle. Everything else is found within the "worlds circle."

Next, we must take on the point of view of women. Since everyone has a circle, I must orient my thinking from a position within women's, or a particular woman's, circle.

What she has inside her circle, is exactly what I have in mine. Albeit, she may be much more confused, she still has the same space of information that she contains her thoughts and reality, which is separate from the rest of the world.

We use game as a way to communicate, from circle to circle, in the region where the two circles intersect, this is where we use game.

Why do we use game?

We use game in order to listen, and to communicate thoughts.

The best form of game, is one which taps into a person particular way of thinking. For example, if we say AWALT, we understand that the majority is a certain way, that they have a certain way of thinking. Once we understand that way of thinking, we can use game to tap into most all women.

Game bridges the gap between the two circles in our Venn diagram. We use it to tap into the circle that intersects with ours.

And, it is best to tap into women, by playing on their emotions. If I can arouse her, I've bridged that gap.

This is why it is called game, because you've got to play in such a way that you are able to grab hold of her desires, and tapping into her emotions is exactly how you will.

If a man sits down and starts to have diarrhea of the mouth about his kids soccer game, his day at work (there are a few circumstances where this is beneficial, you would just have to have a job that is interesting enough to cause emotion.), or his new docker pants, he will not erupt emotion in her.

If, however, that man sits down and uses a different game, one which knows how to cause arousal in women, than he is very likely to cause such and thus have an impact on her.

He has bridged that gap through subtleties and succinct speech. And he has grabbed ahold of her emotions, and now he has hooked her.

So, it is safe to say, we use game in order to bring others into our frame, and under our control.

If you do not erupt emotion, you are likely to have not made a significant impact on her, thus, she sees no reason to stick around or to grant you what you desire. Why would she, what have you made her desire? In what way have you sold yourself as a prize, something that she can be addicted to? Something that makes her feel.

And, whilst looking at game in this light, we can say that frame is the defense aspect to any games that might be conducted from outside your circle.

Now, many times, I deal with the same particular situation... it is as follows:

Approach girl

Make an impact through subtle communication and action

Girl is now on my line

Do I tug? No. I let that line out and let her run with it

I slowly reel for a short time

Then, all at once reel as fast as I can

In the midst of all this, and what I wanted to point out, is that you're dealing with one giant test. Sure, we can look at each individual test or shit test, but the entire interaction, from when you meet her, to when you no longer speak to her, is all about how well you are able to control that fishing rod. To know when to pull that line in, and when to slowly let it out.

If you look the other way, or stop paying attention for even a moment, you can lose your fish. You've got to keep your fish busy, and whether that is through letting the line out, or reeling it in, doesn't really matter.

The fish will test you constantly. The only way to pass these tests, are to understand them.

If she writes or tells you a giant spiel about how she is not looking for a hookup partner, and how you shouldn't expect that, you can bet your last dollar it's a test. If she weren't looking for a hookup partner, why would she need to announce she isn't? Someone who isn't looking for a hookup partner, plain and simple wouldn't hookup with you after the date or get together, or whatever the fuck it is. They don't need to say that, they just don't do it. She is saying it, to test you. To see if you have game, experience, and to learn about how you react to things.

But, she is, because she is testing your ability to bridge that gap. If you respond with, "that's fine, I don't have any expectations of anyone," then you have.

What those two sentences did was communicate in words, without saying the words, information that bridges the gap between the two circles.

She says:

"I want to make sure I am not dealing with a thirsty person who doesn't have the social skills to notice that I am bluffing. He better not lack abundance and he better not try to control me, or use anger to do so. Because that would take him from hot, to creepy."

You say:

"Yes, I know you're testing me. I find it kind of cute. I know you have to do this, it's not like it's your fault or anything. But, I have abundance like a mother fucker, so I won't sweat you. If you don't give me the P, well then another girl will."

Another scenario:


"So, why are you on tinder?"

Translate to:

"I want to see if you're a thirsty guy with no abundance. I want to see if you are my alpha or my beta, and if neither, what it is you can offer me in this transaction."


"Just dating around, trying to meet new people."

Translates to:

I am a loser who could really use some friends.


"You're hot, I want to meet you"

Translates to:

I am thirsty and usually can't do better than you, or have never done better than you. Which translate to her: this guy is actually wack in person.


"I am here for the free Tinder t-shirt, have you got yours yet? They said it should take a week after I signed up."

Translates to:

"I am a fucking boss. Your question is a joke. And so is my reply. If you don't respond, ten other girls just did."

So, the entire time we talk to women, we are talking to them using game to not only bring out their emotions, but to let the line out also, and we use frame to ensure we are the ones running the show. Frame allows us to sit at the side of the table we desire, and ensure no one else dictates how our game will play out.