
I know that hear on TRP we spread awareness of the many ways men get fucked in the ass by our society. A guy stares at a girl too hard and gets accused of eye-rape. A guy is walking in the subway and brushes passed a woman he never seen or met in his life, and he gets accused of rape (TRUE STORY). Or you have the Odell Beckham Jr. scenario where you don't pay attention to the unattractive androgynous child molesting object next to you and you're also a bad guy.

These things happen. I acknowledge that it happens, and we should work on making sure it doesn't happen, but there's a 99% or greater chance that none of it will happen to you. You shouldn't stop yourself from doing what you want from imagined social consequences (Don't literally commit a crime, that has real consequences).


For a lot of newer guys who don't have a lot of experience with women. A lot of your influence about women will come from TRP. Most of the advice here is solid gold. 100% of the side bar is solid advice and that's why it's on the side bar. Unfortunately, a lot of the stories here and front page posts will make you think that any interaction with a women will lead to negative consequences. I'm not saying anything positive will come from it, but most of the time nothing will happen.

To emphasize the point I'll list some of the extra stupid shit I've done and said and the consequences that have come from them. For context I am 6'8 and built like a basketball/volleyball player. I'm a lean 220-230 and I'm considered goodlooking or very attractive by most girls I meet, but I look Indian (I like that I look Indian it makes me less scary).

Action- I was at a diner at 2:30AM with some buddies, and I told the waitress she was sexy and instead of syrup on my pancakes I wanted her to just spit on them with an extra side in my mouth.

Consequence- She giggled and said how funny me and the retards I was with were.

Action- It was my 20th Bday. I got way too drunk and my buddy told me to slap this girls ass. Not thinking I slapped that thing so hard, my hand hurt.

Consequence- Her cousin or bf or whatever that guy was going to "kick my ass" if I didn't apologize. I said some incoherent babble and he didn't do shit (like most guys, although there are some that will fight)

Action- I licked a girls face at a friends house party (She had left my friend to date his neighbor). I made fun of her the whole night and at one point just started licking her face

Consequence- We ended up making out and her bf caught her. They immediately left the party and I continued being a douchebag.

I have a lot more stories that aren't so vanilla, but these are just to illustrate a point.

If you walk up to a girl and say hey I think you're cute and wanted to talk to you. She will either be excited, not interested, or give a rude rejection. Unless she has brightly colored hair and that dumb fish looking face, she more than likely won't accuse you of rape or spray you with bear mace.

If you say something dumb i.e. "I just want you to spit in my mouth" most girls (and people in general) will probably just laugh or walk away if they don't like you or what you're putting down.

Most emotionally healthy girls are not going to freak out over harmless shit like this. If they do, there is probably something wrong with them and you should walk away. If anything, doing occasionally dumb shit is a great screening tool to see if a girl is cool and can handle a joke.

Also, if a girl is flirting with me and seems into it, I'll ask for a kiss. If she kisses me on the cheek, I'd pretend to give her one and instead lick the whole side of her face like Rick James in the Chappelle show. I won't do it if she's wearing tons of make up, but most of the time it's funny and they laugh about it with me. I wouldn't advocate people doing this because I don't know your personalities, but just remember most emotionally healthy girls have senses of humor and can handle the banter.


Most of the time you're benign actions have absolutely no consequences. Don't stress about imagined shit that probably won't happen. Fortune favors the bold. He who hesitates, masturbates.