At the request of a a few users I've expanded on a comment I made a few weeks ago about redpill's greatest hits (repeated advice). This post is of course only fractionally my own observations and much more an amelioration of other higher quality posts and ideas generated in this wonderful, dark, delightfully tacky, serious, funny, ultimately doomed, politically incorrect community. Redpill is truly an oasis of logic and mindfuckery.

Lately there have been a few threads on redpill 'quotes.' This is a very common theme here on redpill. Which I think is a good thing as long as it continues to be offset by field reports and data backed posts that are more narrow in scope (and those posts actually do the hard work of expanding our community, not just sustaining it). I'm hoping to shed some more light on some of those oft repeated quotes and expressions; I am of course acutely aware we run the risk of quoting ourselves to death...

I'd also like to thank all the endorsed contributors and quality posters whose comments and posts have been like a formal education to me. The volume of voluntary wisdom and knowledge they've given to this community at no cost is enormous and I regret that I don't have time to read every word of it.


I hope this post catches up some new members and saves them some time.




Track 1. She’s not yours, it’s only your turn


Women are not as loyal as men. This is a result of their roles as child bearers and owners of physically weaker bodies (less upper body strength, weaker facial bones, monthly bleeding and cramping, 9 months of childbirth and subsequent care). Women have been living with those weaknesses and developing sexual and social strategies to cope with them for the span of human evolution. Deception, manipulation, emotional mirroring, and social damseling are a fraction of their evolved tools. Never take for granted a woman's loyalty. At any time she may leave you for a superior provider and/or seed donor. There’s a better guy out there and there’s a good chance that sooner or later she will find him (or be seduced by him) and you must be prepared for her to leave.


Track 2. All Women Are Like That! (AWALT)


Similar to track one. All women are like that or (AWALT) is the most misunderstood acronym in the manosphere community. AWALT does not mean all women are liars, cheaters and backstabbers, it means all women have the full capacity, skills, motivation, and social/legal leeway to lie, cheat, and backstab. AWALT is a warning to blue pill men that there are no unicorns; all women have the capacity to fuck your shit up through emotional and social terrorism.


Track 3. Men love women. Women love children. Children love puppies.


An alternative title to this track is women are the most mature teenagers in the room. Maturity comes when people are held accountable for their actions and they learn to become good stewards of a business, skill, trade, household, etc. Women are rarely held accountable for their actions and this leads to a semi-maturity or delayed/retarded maturity that you see in modern women. This is partially a social construct and partially a female power strategy. An ‘immature’ person needs ‘taken care,’ she can avoid accountability and all of its risks, and she can blame her problems on the caretaker. This is also know as: plausible deniability strategy.


Track 4. She will never love you like your mother.


When males bond with each other they not only hold each other accountable but they also support each other in times of need. They form a fraternal goal oriented order that is stronger than circumstance. This traditionally allowed males to hunt, fight rival tribes and explore new areas. Author Jack Donovon astutely refers to this as, “Guarding the perimeter.” You can’t have a comprehensive community without strong, brave, bonded men guarding the perimeter... You can’t accomplish great achievements with in-group power struggles and weak social cohesion. Thus men bonded deeply and we mistakenly project onto women that they will do the same. A mother also forms a deep loyal bond with her offspring, connecting to them despite their slow development, growing pains and mistakes. Mothers are in it for the long run and want to see their children grow into successful adults (that may support them in old age) and will even blinding support children who have strayed from this path. Internalize this deeply men: Girlfriends and wives are not your mother. Girlfriends and wives may feign a nurturing relationship as a means to attach themselves to your power and resources but they will leave when offered legitimate access to a male that has more power/resources/genetic gifts. Never fall for this obvious deception.


Track 5. Men are romantics parading as realists, women are realists parading as romantics.


This track is also used to help men abandon their feminized blue pill programming. Despite the agreed upon feminist narrative men have emotional depth and emotional intelligence. Men are actors, comedians, writers, poets and passionate lovers capable of extreme loyalty and devotion. Men often get so caught up in their ‘art’ that they fail to realize that a women’s ‘art’ is the quest for resources through relationships themselves and when a woman feels she’s reached the end of that road she gets turned off. Women do not ‘bank’ mens past emotional supplications and gifts. ‘What have you done for me lately’ is good way to understand the female relationship schema.

User /u/archwinger illustrates this dynamic quite accurately

When a man and a woman fall in love, the man becomes fiercely loyal, devoted, and if he’s an insecure, unmanly man, he also becomes kind of needy and controlling and manipulative. But he’ll put up with anything for his woman, and put up with anything from his woman. He’ll fight for her, he’ll change for her, he’ll work for her, he’ll do anything she wants, because he loves her and wants her to be happy. Even when she pisses all over him, he’ll change as best he can and do whatever he can to keep her. Because he loves her. He’s a romantic, and he wants this love to endure any hurdles, hiccups, and hardships….When a man and a woman fall in love, the woman becomes fiercely disinterested. Now that the man has committed himself to her and is constantly doing shit for her, it’s not really interesting any more. It’s not a challenge. Each gift and compliment and gesture is routine and expected, and she didn’t have to earn it. The thought of having sex with this guy isn’t as exciting as it was when she was first pursuing him. It’s actually kind of a turn-off now. She thought the chemistry and the spark were there, but they’ve faded. She gives things a chance and goes through the motions, but she knows she’s not in this for keeps and hopes that he’s not getting too attached, because it’s girls’ night next Friday, and she’s going to the club with her friends, and who knows what might happen?

Long term relationships are redpill on hard mode because you must at all costs keep a women emotionally charged, invested, challenged, and knowing that they have a man other women envy (even the best men fail at this, female hypergamy is a very powerful drive). If you fail to do this you get the ‘light switch’ effect from women. They will seek out everything that bothers them about you and they will use those observations to build a new emotional script that allows them to find other men (and they will be supported by friends and family in that search).


Track 6. Don't Give A Fuck (DGAF)


Men that are not rattled when challenged or in dangerous situations brightly signal that they have the intellectual, physical, and experiential tools to deal with life's adventures. Women are intoxicated by your ability to lead them and to use your resources to show them a great time. Women are novelty junkies. Become a source of leadership, novelty, and fun and women will beat down your door… DGAF also disarms a woman's most potent weapon and biggest weakness: her emotional narrative she has playing in her head aka: the hamster aka female solipsism. Women have spent and will continue to spend the majority of their lives consorting with other women and reading/watching narratives about male and female relationships. They spend all this time on relationship dynamics because they are exercising their alpha male identification skills. Women are talent scouts for alpha males and DGAF attitude is an indicator to women that you are a high value male with skills, status, experience, and physical power. DGAF is a shortcut to communicate these traits quickly and covertly to the opposite sex.


Track 7. Agree and Amplify (AA)


When a woman tests your masculine traits you must quickly and clearly communicate to her that her test is invalid. Powerful men do not need to sit down and take tests. This dynamic is played out when you refuse to accept the test by agreeing and amplifying. If you accept the test and attempt to rationalize a response you are communicating that you are on a level playing field and if you fail it you’ve shown that you are of lower value. Despite what she may verbally communicate women don’t want their equal, they want their superior.


Track 8. Follow her actions never her words


It's a lot harder to lie with your actions then with your words. Women use words to emotionally mirror and connect with others NOT to communicate pertinent information. Women are covert communicators. Connecting emotionally with others allows women to extract information and resources. Following a women’s actions allows you to avoid emotional entrapment. One of the biggest sources of frustration and anger as men unplug from blue pill indoctrination is this realization that they’ve been lied too frequently and consistently by basically all women. Simply because a woman feigns emotional connection does not mean she actually wants you as a mate. Women have lots of uses for men and sexual interaction often times isn’t on the list at all.


Track 9. Lift More!


Women want what they need but can’t easily attain. This is a long list: money, power, validation, physical security, emotional connection, status, etc. One of the simplest and easiest ways to attract women is signal that being in your presence will provide physical security. If you are an athlete and/or experienced lifter you signal this physical security to women. Women are intimately aroused and connected to men that exhibit strength. Lifting/engaging in sport satisfies this primal need in women. Modern society has gone a long way to make male muscular dominance less valuable but women are very intimately attached at a primal level to your physicality. Modern society does not negate 2.3 million years of evolution.


Track 10. Be in the top 10%


At their core women are pragmatic realists. Women know what they need to bare children safely and successfully. Women take a mental emotional picture of the men available to them at any given emotional moment and lust after the top tier, begrudgingly accept the middle tier and shun the bottom tier. If you desire more success with women work on the traits that put you into the top tier group of a woman's current social schema.


Bonus Track

Track 11. Alpha fucks, beta bucks


Women want genetically gifted children (strong, tall, muscular, symmetrical, smart, mentally balanced, social and emotional attuned). Women also want the resources to bring these children to adulthood and themselves to old age safely and comfortably. Women will seek out men that provide both of these traits. In the current construction of western society an enormous percentage of men do not satisfy these wants for women. There are genetically gifted men that offer sperm but not resources and there are men that offer resources but not quality sperm. Therefore women have adapted their emotional narrative (and our legal system) to seek out a dual mating strategy. Seek higher quality seed first and then seek resources later. Society and its workhorses (men) are the only check on this female ‘hypergamy’ and our current western feminist controlled world ‘checks it’ weakly, if at all. It can be argued that this dual mating strategy is encouraged at the cost of men from both groups. Alphas get child support demands and alimony through socially approved divorce rape. Beta providers get manipulated, delayed access to women and low frequency/quality sexual interaction. There is no quality solution to this paradox we’ve gotten ourselves into. Men are frustrated, lackadaisical, confused and caught in the headlights and as a result many are turning inwards, dropping their tools to maintain society, they are dropping their guns and stepping back from our societal perimeter. You can mourn, game, sit back, or work to change this reality. Change will be difficult; but isn't it always?


Back Cover


TLDL; (Too long didn't listen!)


Track 1. She’s not yours, it’s only your turn

Track 2. All Women Are Like That! (AWALT)

Track 3. Men love women. Women love children. Children love puppies.

Track 4. She will never love you like your mother.

Track 5. Men are romantics parading as realists, women are realists parading as romantics.

Track 6. Don't Give A Fuck (DGAF)

Track 7. Agree and Amplify (AA)

Track 8. Follower her actions never her words.

Track 9. Lift More

Track 10. Be in the top 10%

Track 11. Alpha fucks, beta bucks