
It was actually in places like the Red Pill as well as other online Manosphere and Alt Media sites that this shift in power began.

We actually are part of the destruction of some portion of the Blue Pill programming. We like to say "Enjoy the Destruction" of the Blue Pill mythology. "Kill the Beta". Our awakening is their death.


The Globo-Homo ("Globalist and Homosexual") culture will not gain strength in the coming years.



Realize that the Globo-Homo types... the SJW's... were not expecting our meme magic to gain this much strength. In a sense this whole change in perception has only been taking place now for maybe five years at the most.

When we look back on our history and how we (those involved in the Manosphere) have actually shifted the mindset you really should have some sense of awe that we were able to actually create this awakening.

Back in 2011 you would have trouble even finding a view which promoted a positive view for masculine men. Remember our core theme:


The Red Pill : Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.


The entire Blue Pill brainwashing system had absolute control and you could barely even find any mention online that there was a serious problem.

Now the Alt Media actually out performs the "Legacy Media". The "Legacy Media" is defined as everything owned by the corporations. The corporations enforce the Blue Pill propaganda as they are instructed from above by globalists.



The forces at work now favor the masculine Manosphere and the Alt Media.

The "Legacy Media" which still pushes the Globo-Homo propaganda aren't going to stop trying... but no one watches them anymore.

Here's the big realization:


Just as the polls were stupidly wrong in the election, you have to realize the Blue Pill "Legacy Media" has lost all credibility now.


Just turn that television off... it isn't being believed by many people anymore.

Only about 10% of the public (I believe 6% is the actual number) believe the television "Legacy News" is actually truthful.

The Globo-Homo culture is slowly dying... it's not dead, but it's fading and losing power.

Wake up and help others wake up and turn off the Globo-Homo.