The Red Pill is a group of young men who spend their free time writing and reading bro theory. There are a host of reasons why a twenty something decides to put down porn and video games and spend hours playing philosopher. Some feel that the popular consensus doesn't accurately describe the world and are looking for an alternative that does. Some are in search of an intellectual and creative outlet. Others are dissatisfied for one reason or another and enjoy being part of a dissident community. Irrespective of the reasons for its members participation, the Red Pill gets it's legitimacy from its ability to accurately predict and explain. This unprecedented election season has revealed a lot about how the world functions and in so doing validated the Red Pill Theory as the pinnacle of post modern philosophy.

When Donald Trump called illegals rapists on the first day of his campaign, every pundit and every poster in r politics laughed in unison that he had already lost. That’s because they have no concept of frame. Trump was the first candidate in a long time who ran a campaign with a different method than simply showing his obedience to the system and its mandatory code of conduct. From his first speech, Trump blasted the rules apart and forced everyone else to play his chaotic game. That’s bringing people into your frame.

Frame is about shaping the way people form beliefs and attitudes about the world and how they react towards it. Trump was only candidate in 2016 to create a new lens for people to see themselves and the world through. The other candidates pointed the old lens at yet another policy proposal. Ironically Trump's 2016 frame shift is exactly what Obama offered with Hope and Change in 2008. In a divisive time and turbulent economy he who can offer passage to a better reality will be the winner. No other candidate offered an escape to a new reality. They offered tax plans, a vagina in the oval office and pantomimed strength, but they didn't offer the American People what they wanted most: a New World.

Bernie Sanders deserves a special mention here, specifically because of how he fails to offer a New World. Sanders spoke of revolution and announced that he was going to bring change but then offered Progressivism. Bernie is a true believer when he acts as if it’s Christians or traditionalists are still in charge. He doesn't understand how society has changed. Bernie appealed to people who felt the need for change but had no vision of what change would look like. Bernie’s an old man who thinks the ideas that were new when he was a kid are still new. He offered the comfort of old ideas while still talking about change. At the end of the day, he was just a tax plan.

Everything that made Trump seem unelectable and ridiculous, is what made him succeed. Trump is the pick up artist Mystery walking into a club wearing aviator goggles and black nail polish circa 2004. He's brash bold eclectic and reckless. He is his own world and succeeds because people prefer his world to their own so much so that women will give up their vagina to be a part of it. Innovators, rule breakers and risk takers win, conformists lose. The leftist mainstream media will never allow themselves to understand this phenomenon because at its core leftism is about conformity, hence the virtue signaling and thought policing.

The path to victory is not comfortable and there are plenty of men who would rather believe that the path doesn't exist than admit that they are too weak to take it. If you ask Jeb Bush about his crushing defeat he would mutter something inane incomprehensible or nonsensical. Likewise if you ask a nice guy about his failings with women you would get a similar response. Finally if you were to show them how to win by winning they would fill with rage and lecture you on your moral failings. The are some truths that people won't allow themselves to comprehend. Those truths are the Red Pill.

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