Women have every right do do whatever they want. But I believe selling their bodies online encourage men to see them as objects. They're paying for her body essentially.

Its mens fault too obviously. There wouldnt be only fans if men didnt pay for it. But women are pushing being an only fan more and more.

The motivation of easy money is shielded by being "strong, independent, brave, etc."

Women are getting paid more money showing up their bodies than doctors, soldiers, lawyers, etc. Actual jobs that contribute to society. What kind of example does that set for younger women?

Social media platforms like Tik Tok are filled with just legal or even underaged women dancing almost nude for attention. Its sickening.

The scary thing is that onlyfans is a gray area. Lots of average everyday women wont go into the extreme of porn but are very enticed by the medium which is only fans. And the more women that do it the more socially acceptable it becomes.

In conclusion men need to stop paying for onlyfans and women need to stop selling themselves and encourage other women to take up more respectable jobs that contribute to society.