Dedicated to "men", "alphas" and "redpillers" who want to control woman's sexuality by state laws or religion.

As the society changes, so do the sexual strategies (the cultural part, not biology). Here is an example of a man that is not willing to change.


The first sign - he writes about women (regardless of context) using "whore" and "slut". It's not a descriptive word to help the reader understand an idea, but a pejorative, angry insult. It's main role is not to get point across, but to make the author feel better about himself. That lashing out style of writing is highly visible and easy to spot.

The second sign is - he wants to go back to the "good old times" where women (supposedly) were faithful and all men were alphas. This is almost always connected with "respect" and "the rightful place" (or some variation of the theme), love for hierarchy and structure (with him above women of course).

The third sign - his desire to control ("they should do x and shouldn't do y"). This is typical behaviour of a weak individual, that wants to have controlled environment around him because he lacks the capability (mental and physical) to deal with the unpredictable.


Imagine any successful guy you know. How often does he display the abusive language, how often is he controlling, how often does he demand respect? If you know this kind of man, you know that he does not.


These are the men blameing the state for being pro-female, but have nothing against state being pro-male (like it was in "good old times"). In reality, their grudge is not with pro-female state, but with state "not being pro-them". They want someone to take control. Because if they COULD and WANTED to take it themselves, they would not long for someone to provide the safe, predictable structure to fit into.


They support sexual market regulation ("so women stop slutting around"). They support penalizing women for their biological urges ("she should not, or have an occasion to develop, desire for another man"). They support controlling woman's income ("she can't leave me"), her role in society is to be a childbearer/mother ("the more roles the more power she has").

For some strange reason these men stopped at the anger phase. They went deeper into it and the only thing they see is how "they are all whores and destroying this country".

Perhaps it's easier to be angry instead of accepting how women's sexual strategy works and how to "navigate" it, easier than accepting that the world is not a black-white place, easier to still be angry instead of letting go of it, even after holding it for a long time and yielding no better results.

In the field, the "good old timer" can't pull any decent chick or a chick he wants, so he blames her (for being a bitch) and women (for whoring with the top alphas). It cannot be that the only consistent thing in his m-f interactions is him (and his angry, blaming attitude).

He wants state to "guarantee him a woman", so he doesn't have to struggle to be the best he can. This is a symptom of being bluepill (and beta) while delusionaly believing that - b/c he "knows TRP" and bitches about "feminism, globalism, decline and whoring"- he is redpill.


The sexual strategies evolve, we, men, should evolve with them not try to limit them.

Hypergamy cannot (and should not) be controlled. It's like saying "we use religion to control being horny".

You cannot stop being horny using religion and by the same mechanism, you cannot stop hypergamy. Suppressing things built-in biologically cannot be anything other than damaging in the long term (for both parties).

This is pretty evident during the current the shift of m-f power structure after women were allowed to do what they always did without punishment. We, men, were unprepared for consequences. Instead of relying on being alpha we relied on control, this led us to forgetting the traits that got us women in the first place. We became complacent and entiteled.

Religion and state never controled her sexuality. She didn't, by the virtue of being married, become an obedient wife always horny for her husband. She didn't stop cheating or having sexual fantasies involving other men. She didn't stop having her biological urges drive her. And she won't, no matter how angry you are at her.