Hey everyone! Long time TRP-er here. I've been digging a lot into the Dark Triad. Looking at various studies, experiments, surveys, tests, articles etc, I have been trying to get a good grasp of what these people are. Funny enough I tested 65% Dark Triad, and, I can sort of see me exhibiting some traits. I personally, am slightly above average for Narcissism, more than 2x the average for Machiavellian, and slightly above average for psychopathy. I am not, and cannot ever be a DT, mostly due to the fact that I have some pretty strict moral codes I prefer to live by, as well as being an NF personality type (intuitive/feeling) I have a hard time getting over my conscience and gut feelings.

I do how ever now realize why my former best friend and I split up the way we did. He is dark triad, or rather, he became dark triad. Here me out, because the first thing you will tell me is that no one can become dark triad, they are born that way. To some extent that is true, but his symptoms weren't simply mimicking DT, he became DT out of anger, distrust, and disdain at humanity. His upbringing pushed him to simply be THE BEST, and he wholly believes that he is the BEST, and that he is so "rational" and "awesome". He approaches every single person as a tool. He strives to make as many connections with important people as possible, and avoids direct conflict at all cost. He is younger than me so he realizes conflict can jeopardize his career success, but just observing his behavior with people has led me to believe his is DT. Even when we were younger, highschool age, I distinctly remember me telling him that he approaches people and life like a robot. That he approaches his love life with a formula. Either way, TLDR; he is dark triad, and only with the extensive research I have done on this subject do I realize that that is the reason, he is who he is.

I would like to ask you all, what are your personal experiences with dark triad people? How did you get along? Did you realize they were DT and how/when? Are you DT?

Thanks for any answers you send my way as I am extremely curious in other peoples interactions with these "aliens" (joking).