Whether you like it or not, and quite a few of you don't, social media is the indicator of status for a lot of the younger guys on here (< 30). I talked a while back about how easy it is to determine who has high SMV these days and who doesn't just by looking at their social media account. A hot girl can be eating a burger, take a pic of it, put it on Instagram, and get 300+ likes. Just like the hot girl, a Chad can put up a shirtless selfie and get 300+ likes as well. To put it as bluntly as possible, high SMV people tend to have more followers and likes on social media, that is just how the world works these days.

I avoided social media for a while but after going out and interacting with a lot of people through hobbies, it just became somewhat mandatory. Whether it facebook groups for events people were going to attend together as a group or getting in touch with old friends again, staying out of social media was starting to impact my social life in a very negative way. As a millennial, I've found that my generation is practically hooked on social media to some degree.

Because social media is just the new normal, especially among younger people, and a big measuring stick for SMV.

People are going to want to get to know more about you after they have met you and social media tells that story, the way your account looks is going to have people forming their opinions about you, it's just the world we live in these days.

Older guys of TRP who didn't get in on the revolution hate it but this is the red pill and we can admit some uncomfortable truths here. We don't like how something as narcissistic as social media has taken a hold of modern day generation and even impacted the US president election but that is just how things are now. Sit out in terms of social media because you think it is a waste of time and you will seriously underperform in the game. The Chad who is marketing himself well on social media will get hotter girls and more of them than you because once again, status talks. We're heading to an age where you just cannot afford to completely disregard social media if you want to have social success, especially if your aim is to get hot girls and live the party life a lot of wealthier and attractive people do.

But there has to be a balance, you have to understand what social media is for.

You can't be on social media a lot, it is a waste of time at that point and can wear on you.

You can't spend your time on social media looking at profiles of high SMV people and getting jealous, that is unproductive.

You obviously don't post on social media if you're drunk or depressed!

Social media is your highlight reel to the world but in order to have a highlight reel, you have to have a life worth highlighting at first which is why I recommend that guys who haven't hit their stride yet avoid social media. The main social media accounts you have to work on are Facebook and especially Instagram. I am going to focus on Instagram on this thread since that is the main social media network for higher SMV people.

How to do it right.

Friends and followers.

Your followers must exceed your following, plain and simple. You tend to see the value of having a lot of Instagram once you have more than 1k total. Same goes for Facebook, anywhere north of 1k "friends" (notice the quotation? it's there for a reason because the word friends is used very loosely) and you start seeing the benefit in regards to your status. People will debate the quality of your friends and followers but in my experience, social media is generally a higher SMV people game. The socially charismatic guys, Chads, hot girls, and socially well connected women. You obviously go for people around your age in regards to friends and followers with a small amount at the end of each age range, nothing wrong with having that cool older owner of a club as a friend or follower on your page!


Obviously the most important part of it all, social media is a highlight of your life, so you post the best moments of your life. You don't post poorly done selfies or pics of you sitting in your room because that reflects poorly on you. The social media account you have should instead say "I have friends and people want to be around me!" in the majority of your pics.

The awesome trip you took with your friends to a foreign country, the time you met a celebrity, going to a party with your friends (don't post pics of you holding alcohol or doing drunk crazy things!), pics of you with hot girl(s), group pics of an event you took part in, and pics of you and your friends out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Every now and then, you post a a well done photo of yourself (ideally taken by a professional). If you're hot enough, you can get away with a shirtless selfie.

Social media accounts should say you're social, meet people, have friends, go out, and aren't some loner locked in their room.


Now this is more towards facebook than Instagram but the idea of your posts is that they should not be polarizing. Avoid race, gender, and politics of any kind. If you really want to get your opinion in, say it vaguely. For example, if you hate how the left is protesting over a Trump victory, don't insult them but say "I just wish we could all come together as a nation and move forward now since the elections are over". In short, law 38 applies here.

You post on social media when good things have happened in your life and share them with your "friends" and followers.

Job in a new city that you like, post about it on social media.

Acceptance into a good graduate program, post about it on social media.

Night out with some good friends, post about it on social media and talk about how grateful you are to have such good friends.

Trying to bring attention to a noble cause, post about it on social media.

You don't post often, you post when good things are happening in your life and share it.

That about does it.

As I say, most older guys here (40+) won't benefit from social media that much anyways since their generation wasn't raised on it. Younger guys, especially if they want to fit in with higher SMV people of their own age, will definitely need to get on social media because it is just the new normal and a measuring stick of your SMV.