RPC and the broader RP (and especially MGTOW) have a big problem with our current legislative process regarding divorce (alimony and such). Men complain about 'divorce rape' and it is either too easy or too hard to do it. A plethora of reasons.

Now, what do you think the laws regarding divorce should be? I'm on the side of 'divorce and remarriage are never justified other than remarriage when the spouse dies or divorce when an unbeliever leaves' and I guess think divorce should be outrightly banned or consist of a very rigid long process. I plan on getting a covenant marriage whenever that day comes around. Some people don't even think you should sign any paper.

So that leads me to my next question: is a legal marriage contract necessary? The idea of the naysayer is something along the lines of 'what matters is the covenant that is established between you, God, and your wife so why bother getting something from the government?' There's a lot of different angles. Alimony could be a divorce incentive. But also, no legal binding could be one when you're on thin ice. Also, there are prenups. Can I get your thoughts?