I don't have anything mind boggling to write. At this point we understand more or less what the pill can't do for our lives as men. I just feel great right now and would like to spread that to my brothers.

Where I am right now, our lockdown is pretty much all over. And these girls are horny as ever. Love this shit. I took for granted all the great but subtle things in my life and I have to say being a man is the best thing I could ask for.

Like having testosterone just fucking rocks bro idk what else to say. After you understand how the world works (as much as a 20yo like myself can), this life shit is so much fun.

There is a drought for dominant men and these girls are so fucking horny. I couldn't even see it when I was a loser a couple years ago and now accepting my "male-ness" has been so fucking freeing. I have options now and it's so fucking amazing.

Now being objective, I'm not the "perfect man". I'm 5'9 and only have a couple grand in my savings account. But what I do have is a 2 year gym worked body, a decent beard, a prospectively great career path and the one thing I truly hold dear- my genuine belief that I can do anything. All it takes is putting the work in, and doing it with a purpose.

So on this great day where my country gets back into its normal routine, I would like to say thank you for making a man out of me, not because I have beautiful blondes licking my scrotum every week but because I truly understand what it means to not give a single fuck.